
function Get-vROConfigurationElement {
    Retrieves a list of all configuration elements

    Retrieves a list of all configuration elements

    The id of the configuration elements

    .PARAMETER WithAttributes
    By default when listing all configuration elements attributes are not returned.
    Using this parameter will return attributes for each configuration element found. It
    could potentially be an expensive operation depending on the number of elements returned.




    Get-vROConfigurationElement -Id f2193849-89e9-4136-8607-526eb196ee4c







    begin {


    process {

        try {

            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

                'Id' {

                    foreach ($ConfigurationId in $Id) {

                        $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -URI "/vco/api/configurations/$($ConfigurationId)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                            Id = $
                            Name = $
                            Description = $Response.description
                            Version = $Response.version
                            Attributes = $Response.attributes
                            Href = $Response.href




                'All' {

                    $URI = "/vco/api/configurations"

                    $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                    if ($WithAttributes) {

                        foreach ($Item in $ {

                            [URI]$Href = $Item.href
                            $Id = $Href.Segments[-1].Trim("/")


                    else {

                        foreach ($Item in $ {


                                Id = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "id"}).value
                                Name = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "name"}).value
                                Description = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "description"}).value
                                Version = ($Item.attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "version"}).value
                                Attributes = $null
                                Href = $Item.href






        catch [Exception]{


    end {



function getConfiguration($Id){
    Private function for retrieving configurations elements

    $Response = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Method Get -URI "/vco/api/configurations/$($Id)" -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

    $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{

        Id = $
        Name = $
        Description = $Response.description
        Version = $Response.version
        Attributes = $Response.attributes
        Href = $Response.href


    return $Object
