
function Export-vROPlugin {
    Exports a plugin.
    Exports a plugin.
    The name of the plugin

    The path of the exported file. If this parameter is not passed, the plugin
    will be exported to the current working directory.



    Export-vROPlugin -Name ExamplePlugin

    Export-vROPlugin -Name ExamplePlugin -Path C:\plugins



    Param (



    begin {

    process {

        foreach ($PluginName in $Name){

            try {    
                $URI = "/vco/api/plugins/$($PluginName)"

                $Headers = @{
                    "Authorization" = "Basic $($Global:vROConnection.EncodedPassword)";
                    "Accept" ="Application/json";
                    "Content-Type" = "application/zip;charset=UTF-8";

                # --- Run vRO REST Request
                Write-Verbose -Message "Receiving response. This may take some time depending on the size of the plugin.."
                $Request = Invoke-vRORestMethod -Uri $URI -Method Get -Headers $Headers -WebRequest -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

                # --- Get the name of the plugin
                $Filename = $Request.Headers['Content-Disposition'].Split("=")[1]

                if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Path")) {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "Path parameter not passed, exporting to current directory."
                    $FullPath = "$($(Get-Location).Path)\$($Filename)"

                else {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "Path parameter passed."
                    if ($Path.EndsWith("\")) {

                        Write-Verbose -Message "Ends with"

                        $Path = $Path.TrimEnd("\")

                    $FullPath = "$($Path)\$($FileName)"


                Write-Verbose -Message "Exporting plugin to $($FullPath)"
                [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($FullPath, $Request.Content)

                # --- Get the exported file
                Get-ChildItem -Path $FullPath

            catch [Exception]{


            finally {

                # --- Set request variable to null to avoid the content staying in memory
                $Request = $null




    end {

