

A "standard" library for PowerShell inspired by the preludes of other languages

Minimum PowerShell version


The owner has unlisted this package. This could mean that the module is deprecated or shouldn't be used anymore.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Prelude -RequiredVersion 0.0.80

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Prelude -Version 0.0.80

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2020 Jason Wohlgemuth. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Jason Wohlgemuth


dev helpers git docker fp cli app scrapp


ConvertFrom-ByteArray ConvertFrom-Html ConvertFrom-Pair ConvertFrom-QueryString ConvertTo-AbstractSyntaxTree ConvertTo-Degree ConvertTo-PowershellSyntax ConvertTo-Iso8601 ConvertTo-JavaScript ConvertTo-Pair ConvertTo-PlainText ConvertTo-QueryString ConvertTo-Radian Deny-Empty Deny-Null Deny-Value Enable-Remoting Export-GraphData Find-Duplicate Find-FirstIndex Format-ComplexValue Find-FirstTrueVariable Format-MoneyValue Get-Covariance Get-DefaultBrowser Get-Extremum Get-Factorial Get-File Get-GithubOAuthToken Get-HostsContent Get-HtmlElement Get-LogisticSigmoid Get-Maximum Get-Mean Get-Median Get-Minimum Get-ParameterList Get-Permutation Get-Plural Get-Property Get-Screenshot Get-Singular Get-State Get-SyllableCount Get-Sum Get-Variance Import-Excel Import-GraphData Import-Html Import-Raw Invoke-Chunk Invoke-DropWhile Invoke-Flatten Invoke-FireEvent Invoke-GoogleSearch Invoke-Input Invoke-InsertString Invoke-ListenTo Invoke-ListenForWord Invoke-Menu Invoke-Method Invoke-Normalize Invoke-ObjectInvert Invoke-ObjectMerge Invoke-Once Invoke-Operator Invoke-Partition Invoke-Pick Invoke-PropertyTransform Invoke-Reduce Invoke-RemoteCommand Invoke-Repeat Invoke-RunApplication Invoke-Speak Invoke-TakeWhile Invoke-Tap Invoke-Unzip Invoke-WebRequestBasicAuth Invoke-Zip Invoke-ZipWith Join-StringsWithGrammar Measure-Performance Measure-Readability New-ApplicationTemplate New-ComplexValue New-Edge New-File New-Graph New-Matrix New-ProxyCommand New-Template Open-Session Out-Browser Remove-Character Remove-DirectoryForce Remove-Indent Rename-FileExtension Save-State Take Test-Admin Test-Command Test-DiagonalMatrix Test-Empty Test-Equal Test-Installed Test-Matrix Test-SquareMatrix Test-SymmetricMatrix Test-Url Update-HostsFile Use-Grammar Use-Speech Use-Web Write-BarChart Write-Color Write-Label Write-Title


This module has no dependencies.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.2.19 645 3/14/2024
0.2.18 7 3/14/2024
0.2.17 8 3/14/2024
0.2.16 7 3/14/2024
0.2.15 321 3/1/2024
0.2.14 9 2/29/2024
0.2.13 7 2/29/2024
0.2.12 24 2/27/2024
0.2.11 1,174 11/17/2023
0.2.10 54 10/22/2023
0.2.9 111 8/5/2023
0.2.8 6 8/5/2023
0.2.7 7 8/5/2023
0.2.4 6 8/4/2023
0.2.3 38 7/21/2023
0.2.2 6 7/20/2023
0.2.1 37 7/18/2023
0.2 15 7/15/2023
0.1.19 259 2/22/2023
0.1.18 107 2/5/2023
0.1.17 84 1/5/2023
0.1.16 133 11/5/2022
0.1.15 20 10/16/2022
0.1.14 19 9/25/2022
0.1.13 120 6/23/2022
0.1.12 11 6/23/2022
0.1.11 11 6/23/2022
0.1.9 23 6/1/2022
0.1.8 12 6/1/2022
0.1.7 11 6/1/2022
0.1.6 15 5/29/2022
0.1.5 12 5/29/2022
0.1 16 5/11/2022
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