
function PerformSingleActiononDirectory([string] $Directory,$scriptblock)
    $directories=Get-ChildItem $Directory | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer }
    foreach($dir in $directories)

function CheckIfGitRepository()
    if($(Test-Path ".git") -eq $false)
        throw "Directory '$Directory' is not git repository"

function Push-GitRepository()
    [string] $Directory

    cd $Directory
    $status=git status
    if ($($status -Like "*Your branch is ahead*").Count -gt 0)
        Write-Host "Git repository $directoryPath - ahead of, pushing" -ForegroundColor Red
        git push --all $remote
    if ($($status -Like "*nothing to commit, working tree clean*").Count -gt 0)
        Write-Host "Git repository $directoryPath - working tree clean" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "Git repository $directoryPath - dirty, pushing" -ForegroundColor Red
        git checkout -b "AutoCommitBranch"
        git add .
        git commit -m "Automatic Commit"
        $remote=git remote
        git push -u $remote AutoCommitBranch #this needs to be done to make branch track remote
        git push --all $remote

function Push-GitRepositories([string] $Directory)
    PerformSingleActiononDirectory $Directory  {Param($x) Push-GitRepository $x}

function Get-AutoCommitRepository()
    [string] $Directory
    cd $Directory
    $branches=git branch -a
    if ([bool]($branches -like "*AutoCommitBranch*"))
        Write-Host "Git repository '$Directory' has AutoCommitBranch" -ForegroundColor Red 
        Write-Host "Git repository '$Directory' - no AutoCommitBranch exists" -ForegroundColor Green

function Get-AutoCommitRepositories()
    [string] $Directory
    PerformSingleActiononDirectory $Directory  {Param($x) Get-AutoCommitRepository $x}

function Pull-GitRepository()
    [string] $Directory

    cd $Directory
    $x=git pull
    if ($x='Already up to date.')
        Write-Host "Repository $directoryPath - up to date" -ForegroundColor Green

function Pull-GitRepositories([string] $Directory)
    PerformSingleActiononDirectory $Directory  {Param($x) Pull-GitRepository $x}    

function Get-GitRepositoryStatus()
    [string] $Directory
    cd $Directory
    $status=git status -u
    if ($status -contains "nothing to commit, working tree clean")
        Write-Host "Git repository $directoryPath - working tree clean" -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "Git repository $directoryPath - dirty" -ForegroundColor Red

function Get-GitRepositoriesStatus()
    [string] $Directory
    PerformSingleActiononDirectory $Directory  {Param($x) Get-GitRepositoryStatus $x}

Export-ModuleMember Push-GitRepository
Export-ModuleMember Push-GitRepositories
Export-ModuleMember Get-AutoCommitRepository
Export-ModuleMember Get-AutoCommitRepositories
Export-ModuleMember Pull-GitRepository
Export-ModuleMember Pull-GitRepositories
Export-ModuleMember Get-GitRepositoryStatus
Export-ModuleMember Get-GitRepositoriesStatus