
function UpdateModuleVersion{
    $psd1=Get-Content $psd1Path
    [version]$Version = [regex]::matches($psd1, "\s*ModuleVersion\s=\s'(\d*.\d*.\d*)'\s*").groups[1].value
    Write-Verbose "Old Version - $Version"
    [version]$NewVersion = "{0}.{1}.{2}" -f $Version.Major, $Version.Minor, ($Version.Build + 1)
    Write-Verbose "New Version - $NewVersion"
    $psd1 -replace $version, $NewVersion | Out-File $psd1Path -Force

function GetTypeOfModule{
    $psd1= Get-Content $psd1FullName -Raw
    $rootModule = [regex]::matches($psd1, "\s*RootModule\s=\s'(.*)'\s*")
        return "binary"
        return "text"
    throw "In the Root module no dll nor psm1 type is defined"    

function Buildapplication{
    dotnet pack

function Publish-ModuleTo{
        [string]$PSRepositoryName="PSGallery", #PSGallery, PawelGallery

    $psd1s=@(Get-ChildItem -Recurse "*.psd1") 

    Write-Verbose "Found $($psd1s.Length) module manifests"

    foreach($psd1 in $psd1s)
        Write-Verbose "File analyzed $($psd1FullName)"
        if ($psd1FullName.Contains("bin")) {
            Write-Verbose "File in the bin directory, we are interested in the publish, so ommiting this";

        $moduleType=GetTypeOfModule $psd1FullName
            Write-Verbose "Update Module Version"
            UpdateModuleVersion $psd1FullName
        if ($moduleType -eq "binary")
            Write-Verbose "Binary module, so building the app"
            $psd1sForBin=@(Get-ChildItem -Recurse "*.psd1") 
            $binPsd1=$psd1sForBin |where {$_.DirectoryName -like "*bin*" -and $_.Name -eq $psd1.Name}
            Write-Verbose "Binary module to be published (psd1ToBePublished) $($psd1ToBePublished)"
        if ($moduleType -eq "text")
            Write-Verbose "psm1 module to be published $($psd1ToBePublished)"

        Write-Verbose "Checkint the type of the psd1ToBePublished"

        Write-Verbose "Publish $psd1ToBePublished"
        Write-Verbose "PSRepository: $PSRepositoryName"
        Write-Verbose "NuGetApiKey: $NuGetApiKey"
        Publish-Module -Repository $PSRepositoryName -NuGetApiKey $NuGetApiKey -Name $psd1ToBePublished  -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

Export-ModuleMember Publish-ModuleTo