
        Troubleshoot the local Windows system.
        This command will reuse all the measurement commands of the ProfileFever
        module and combine it to a single output for troubleshooting performance
        PS C:\> Invoke-WindowsAnalyzer
        Invoke the rroubleshooter on the local system.

function Invoke-WindowsAnalyzer
        # Option to show the detail output
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        function Write-WindowsAnalyzerTest
            [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'None')]
                # Test description.
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

                # If available, a metric for the test.
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Metric')]

                # Format string for the metric value.
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Metric')]
                $MetricFormat = '{0}',

                # If the metric was specified, the relevant thresholds. Four
                # numbers must be passed. By comparing the first and last
                # number, we can determine if the threshold are ascending or
                # descending:
                # - The minimum/maximum possible value for a healthy state
                # - The warning threshold
                # - The error threshold
                # - The minimum/maximum possible value for an error state
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Metric')]
                [ValidateCount(4, 4)]

                # # Optional performance data.
                # [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
                # [System.Collection.Hashtable]
                # $Data,

                # Test result.
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Result')]
                [ValidateSet('Passed', 'Warning', 'Failed')]

            $colorPassed  = 51, 153, 0  # Green
            $colorWarning = 255, 204, 0 # Yellow
            $colorFailed  = 204, 51, 0  # Red

            $windowWidth    = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 2
            $metricBarWidth = 20

            $output = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()

            [void] $output.Append($Description.PadRight($windowWidth - $metricBarWidth - 24).Substring(0, $windowWidth - $metricBarWidth - 24))
            [void] $output.Append(' ')

            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Metric')
                $metricValue = $MetricFormat -f $Metric
                $metricValue = $metricValue.PadLeft(10).Substring(0, 10)
                [void] $output.Append($metricValue)

                # Reverse array, if the first number is larger than the last.
                if ($MetricThreshold[0] -gt $MetricThreshold[3])
                    $MetricThreshold = $MetricThreshold.Reverse()

                # Fix min and max values.
                if ($Metric -lt $MetricThreshold[0])
                    $Metric = $MetricThreshold[0]
                if ($Metric -gt $MetricThreshold[3])
                    $Metric = $MetricThreshold[3]

                $metricBarStep  = ($MetricThreshold[3] - $MetricThreshold[0]) / $metricBarWidth

                # Calculate the acutal test result by using the provided metric
                # and the two thresholds.
                $Result = 'Passed'
                if ($Metric -ge $MetricThreshold[2])
                    $Result = 'Failed'
                elseif ($Metric -ge $MetricThreshold[1])
                    $Result = 'Warning'

                # Calculate the actual bar.
                [void] $output.Append(' [')
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $metricBarWidth; $i++)
                    $metricBarThreshold = $MetricThreshold[0] + ($i * $metricBarStep)

                    $metricChar = [char]63191 # Three horizonzal dots
                    if ($Metric -ge $metricBarThreshold)
                        $metricChar = [char]64610 # Filled square

                    $metricColor = $colorPassed
                    if ($metricBarThreshold -ge $MetricThreshold[2])
                        $metricColor = $colorFailed
                    elseif ($metricBarThreshold -ge $MetricThreshold[1])
                        $metricColor = $colorWarning

                    Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message $metricChar -ForegroundColor $metricColor
                [void] $output.Append('] ')
                [void] $output.AppendFormat('{0,34}', [System.string]::Empty)

            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'None')
                [void] $output.Append('[')
                switch ($Result)
                    'Passed'  { Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message ' OK ' -ForegroundColor $colorPassed }
                    'Warning' { Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message ' WARN ' -ForegroundColor $colorWarning }
                    'Failed'  { Format-HostText -StringBuilder $output -Message 'FAILED' -ForegroundColor $colorFailed }
                    default   { [void] $output.Append(' ?? ') }
                [void] $output.Append(']')

            Write-Host $output.ToString()

        # AnalyzerTest 'Short'
        # AnalyzerTest 'This is a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong text'
        # AnalyzerTest 'Passed' -Result 'Passed'
        # AnalyzerTest 'Warning' -Result 'Warning'
        # AnalyzerTest 'Failed' -Result 'Failed'
        # AnalyzerTest 'Bar Test: -99 => 0, 50, 90, 100' -Metric -99 -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 50, 90, 100
        # AnalyzerTest 'Bar Test: 0 => 0, 50, 90, 100' -Metric 0 -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 50, 90, 100
        # AnalyzerTest 'Bar Test: 13 => 0, 50, 90, 100' -Metric 13 -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 50, 90, 100
        # AnalyzerTest 'Bar Test: 49.9 => 0, 50, 90, 100' -Metric 49.9 -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 50, 90, 100
        # AnalyzerTest 'Bar Test: 50 => 0, 50, 90, 100' -Metric 50 -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 50, 90, 100
        # AnalyzerTest 'Bar Test: 50.1 => 0, 50, 90, 100' -Metric 50.1 -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 50, 90, 100
        # AnalyzerTest 'Bar Test: 80 => 0, 50, 90, 100' -Metric 61 -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 50, 90, 100
        # AnalyzerTest 'Bar Test: 95 => 0, 50, 90, 100' -Metric 95 -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 50, 90, 100
        # AnalyzerTest 'Bar Test: 100 => 0, 50, 90, 100' -Metric 100 -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 50, 90, 100
        # AnalyzerTest 'Bar Test: 999 => 0, 50, 90, 100' -Metric 999 -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 50, 90, 100
        # AnalyzerTest 'Bar Test: 99999999999 => 0, 50, 90, 100' -Metric 99999999999 -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 50, 90, 100

        ## System

        $system = Measure-System

        Write-Host ''
        AnalyzerTest 'System'

        AnalyzerTest "> Hostname : $($system.Name)"
        AnalyzerTest "> Uptime : $($system.Uptime.ToString('d\d\ hh\.mm'))"

        if ($Detail.IsPresent)
            $system | Out-String | Write-Host

        ## Processor

        $processor = Measure-Processor
        $processorDetail = $processor.Name.Split(' ')[0]

        Write-Host ''
        AnalyzerTest "Processor ($processorDetail)"

        if ($processor.HyperV -ne -1)
            AnalyzerTest '> Hyper-V Hypervisor Logical Processor' -Metric $processor.HyperV -MetricFormat '{0:0}%' -MetricThreshold 0, 60, 80, 100
        AnalyzerTest '> Processor Usage' -Metric $processor.Usage -MetricFormat '{0:0}%' -MetricThreshold 0, 80, 90, 100
        AnalyzerTest '> Processor Queue Length' -Metric $processor.Queue -MetricFormat '{0:0} ' -MetricThreshold 0, 10, 20, 100

        if ($Detail.IsPresent)
            $processor | Out-String | Write-Host

        ## Memory

        $memory = Measure-Memory
        $memoryPhysical = $memory | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Physical Memory' }
        $memoryPageFile = $memory | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Page File' }
        $memoryDetail = '{0}GB' -f [System.Math]::Round($memoryPhysical.Total / 1024)

        Write-Host ''
        AnalyzerTest "Memory ($memoryDetail)"

        AnalyzerTest '> Physical Memory' -Metric $memoryPhysical.Used -MetricFormat '{0:0}MB' -MetricThreshold 0, ($memoryPhysical.Total * 0.88), ($memoryPhysical.Total * 0.94), $memoryPhysical.Total
        AnalyzerTest '> Page File' -Metric $memoryPageFile.Used -MetricFormat '{0:0}MB' -MetricThreshold 0, ($memoryPageFile.Total * 0.8), ($memoryPageFile.Total * 0.9), $memoryPageFile.Total

        if ($Detail.IsPresent)
            $memory | Out-String | Write-Host

        ## Storage

        $storageList = Measure-Storage

        foreach ($storage in $storageList)
            $storageName   = $storage.Name
            $storageDetail = '{0}GB' -f [System.Math]::Round($storage.Size)

            Write-Host ''
            AnalyzerTest "Storage $storageName ($storageDetail)"

            AnalyzerTest "> Used Storage" -Metric $storage.Used -MetricFormat '{0:0}GB' -MetricThreshold 0, ($storage.Size * 0.88), ($storage.Size * 0.94), $storage.Size
            AnalyzerTest "> Disk Time" -Metric $storage.DiskTime -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}%' -MetricThreshold 0, 60, 80, 100
            AnalyzerTest "> Disk Queue" -Metric $storage.DiskQueue -MetricFormat '{0:0.0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 1, 2, 20
            AnalyzerTest "> Average Millisecond per Read" -Metric ($storage.AvgRead * 1000) -MetricFormat '{0:0}ms' -MetricThreshold 0, 10, 20, 100
            AnalyzerTest "> Average Millisecond per Write" -Metric ($storage.AvgWrite * 1000) -MetricFormat '{0:0}ms' -MetricThreshold 0, 10, 20, 100

        if ($Detail.IsPresent)
            $storage | Out-String | Write-Host

        ## Network

        # ToDo...

        ## Session

        $sessionList = Measure-Session

        foreach ($session in $sessionList)
            $sessionName   = ('{0}@{1}' -f $session.User, $session.Name).Trim('@')
            $sessionDetail = '{0}#{1}' -f $session.Status, $session.Id

            Write-Host ''
            AnalyzerTest "Session $sessionName ($sessionDetail)"

            AnalyzerTest "> Running Processes" -Metric $session.Processes -MetricFormat '{0}' -MetricThreshold 0, 100, 150, 200
            AnalyzerTest "> Assigned Memory" -Metric ($session.Memory / 1024 / 1024) -MetricFormat '{0:0}MB' -MetricThreshold 0, ($memoryPhysical.Total * 0.50), ($memoryPhysical.Total * 0.75), $memoryPhysical.Total

        ## Network Endpoints

        Write-Host ''
        AnalyzerTest 'Network Endpoints'

        $endpoints = @()
        $endpoints += Get-NetTCPConnection -State 'Listen' | Select-Object 'LocalAddress', 'LocalPort', @{ N = 'Protocol'; E = { 'TCP' } }, 'OwningProcess'
        $endpoints += Get-NetUDPEndpoint | Select-Object 'LocalAddress', 'LocalPort', @{ N = 'Protocol'; E = { 'UDP' } }, 'OwningProcess'
        $endpoints = $endpoints | Sort-Object 'LocalPort', 'LocalAddress'
        foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints)
            $address = $endpoint.LocalAddress
            if ($address -like '*:*')
                $address = '[{0}]' -f $address

                $processObj = Get-Process -Id $endpoint.OwningProcess
                $process = $processObj.CommandLine
                if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($process))
                    $process = $processObj.Name
                $process = 'n/a'

            '> {0,-32} {1}/{2,-6} {3}' -f $address, $endpoint.Protocol, $endpoint.LocalPort, $process

        Write-Host ''