
        Format the last errors and show them on the console.
        The command will get the specified number of errors of the global Error
        variable and shows them in a optimized way to analyze the occurred
        issues. This includes a better error description, the script stack trace
        and all exceptions and inner exceptions.
        PS C:\> Show-Error
        Show the last 3 errors on the console host.

function Show-Error
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Last')]
        # Number of errors to show.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Last', Position = 0)]
        $Last = 3,

        # Show all errors.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'All')]

        $errorRecords = $Global:Error
        if (-not $All.IsPresent)
            $errorRecords = @($errorRecords | Select-Object -First $Last)

        Write-Host ''

        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $errorRecords.Count; $i++)
            $errorRecord = $errorRecords[$i]

            if ($null -ne $errorRecord)
                Write-Host "Error #$i" -ForegroundColor 'Red'
                Write-Host $errorRecord.ToString()
                Write-Host " $($errorRecord.CategoryInfo)"

                # Optional error details, only show if the exist
                if ($null -ne $errorRecord.TargetObject)
                    Write-Host " TargetObject: $($errorRecord.TargetObject)"
                if ($null -ne $errorRecord.ErrorDetails)
                    Write-Host " ErrorDetails: $($errorRecord.ErrorDetails)"

                # Show the stack trace where the exception happened
                foreach ($errorRecordStackTraceLine in ($errorRecord.ScriptStackTrace -split "`n"))
                    if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($errorRecordStackTraceLine))
                        Write-Host " $($errorRecordStackTraceLine.Trim())"

                $errorException = $errorRecord.Exception
                while ($null -ne $errorException)
                    Write-Host $errorException.Message
                    Write-Host " $($errorException.GetType().FullName)"
                    foreach ($errorExceptionStackTraceLine in ($errorException.StackTrace -split "`n"))
                        if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($errorExceptionStackTraceLine))
                            Write-Host " $($errorExceptionStackTraceLine.Trim())"

                    $errorException = $errorException.InnerException

            Write-Host ''
