
        Get the current processor usage on the local system.
        Use WMI/CIM and the Windows Performance Counters to retrieve the current
        processor usage on the local system.
        - Hyper-V
          If available, the current usage in percent on the Hyper-V Host level.
          This is the sum of the host system including all guest VMs and is
          higher than the local CPU usage.
        - Usage
          The local CPU usage in percent.
        - Queue
          Number of processes in ready state. This does not include the
          currently active processes.
        - Clock
          Current average CPU speed in MHz.
        PS C:\> processor
        Use the alias of Measure-Processor to show the current processor

function Measure-Processor
        # Flag to continue showing the memory every second.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    $vmmService = Get-Service -Name 'vmms' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
    if ($null -ne $vmmService -and $vmmService.Status -eq 'Running')
        $vmmSvcActive = $true
        $counterNames = '\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Time',
                        '\System\Context Switches/sec',
                        '\System\Processor Queue Length',
                        '\Hyper-V Hypervisor Logical Processor(_Total)\% Total Run Time'
        $vmmSvcActive = $false
        $counterNames = '\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Time',
                        '\System\Context Switches/sec',
                        '\System\Processor Queue Length'

    # Global counters, will not change
    $cimProcessorInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_Processor' -Property 'NumberOfLogicalProcessors' | Measure-Object -Sum 'NumberOfLogicalProcessors'

        # Counters new for every run
        $perfCounterProcessor = Get-Counter -Counter $counterNames -SampleInterval 1 -MaxSamples 1
        $cimProcessorClock    = Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_Processor' -Property 'CurrentClockSpeed'

        $counterProc = [PSCustomObject] @{
            PSTypeName = 'ProfileFever.Performance.Processor'
            Timestamp  = Get-Date
            Name       = '{0:0}x{1:0} Processors' -f $cimProcessorInfo.Count, ($cimProcessorInfo.Sum / $cimProcessorInfo.Count)
            HyperV     = $(if ($vmmSvcActive) { [System.Math]::Round($perfCounterProcessor.CounterSamples.Where({$_.Path -like '\\*\Hyper-V Hypervisor Logical Processor(_Total)\% Total Run Time'}).CookedValue, 1) } else { -1 })
            Usage      = $perfCounterProcessor.CounterSamples.Where({$_.Path -like '\\*\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Time'}).CookedValue
            Queue      = $perfCounterProcessor.CounterSamples.Where({$_.Path -like '\\*\System\Processor Queue Length'}).CookedValue
            Clock      = ($cimProcessorClock | Measure-Object -Average 'CurrentClockSpeed').Average
        Write-Output $counterProc

        # Show warning messages if thresholds are reached
        if ($counterProc.Usage -gt 80)
            Write-Warning ('The Processor Time is {0:0.0}% exceeding 80%' -f $counterProc.Usage)
        if ($counterProc.Queue -gt 10)
            Write-Warning ('The Processor Queue Length is {0:0} exceeding 10' -f $counterProc.Queue)
        if ($counterProc.HyperV -ne 'n/a' -and $counterProc.HyperV -gt 75)
            Write-Warning ('The Hyper-V Hypervisor Logical Processor Total Run Time is {0:0.0}% exceeding 75%' -f $counterProc.HyperV)
    while ($Continue.IsPresent)