
function UnzipFile {


    if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") {
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$AssembliesToCheckFor = @("System.Console","System","System.IO",

        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$NeededAssemblies = @()

        foreach ($assembly in $AssembliesToCheckFor) {
            try {
                [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Failures = @()
                try {
                    $TestLoad = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName($assembly)
                    if (!$TestLoad) {
                catch {
                    $null = $Failures.Add("Failed LoadWithPartialName")

                try {
                    $null = Invoke-Expression "[$assembly]"
                catch {
                    $null = $Failures.Add("Failed TabComplete Check")

                if ($Failures.Count -gt 1) {
            catch {
                Write-Host "Downloading $assembly..."
                $NewAssemblyDir = "$HOME\Downloads\$assembly"
                $NewAssemblyDllPath = "$NewAssemblyDir\$assembly.dll"
                if (!$(Test-Path $NewAssemblyDir)) {
                    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $NewAssemblyDir
                if (Test-Path "$NewAssemblyDir\$assembly*.zip") {
                    Remove-Item "$NewAssemblyDir\$assembly*.zip" -Force
                $OutFileBaseNamePrep = Invoke-WebRequest "$assembly" -DisableKeepAlive -UseBasicParsing
                $OutFileBaseName = $($OutFileBaseNamePrep.BaseResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri -split "/")[-1] -replace "nupkg","zip"
                Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$assembly" -OutFile "$NewAssemblyDir\$OutFileBaseName"
                Expand-Archive -Path "$NewAssemblyDir\$OutFileBaseName" -DestinationPath $NewAssemblyDir

                $PossibleDLLs = Get-ChildItem -Recurse $NewAssemblyDir | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "$assembly.dll" -and $_.Parent -notmatch "net[0-9]" -and $_.Parent -match "core|standard"}

                if ($PossibleDLLs.Count -gt 1) {
                    Write-Warning "More than one item within $NewAssemblyDir\$OutFileBaseName matches $assembly.dll"
                    Write-Host "Matches include the following:"
                    for ($i=0; $i -lt $PossibleDLLs.Count; $i++){
                        "$i) $($($PossibleDLLs[$i]).FullName)"
                    $Choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the number corresponding to the .dll you would like to load [0..$($($PossibleDLLs.Count)-1)]"
                    if ($(0..$($($PossibleDLLs.Count)-1)) -notcontains $Choice) {
                        Write-Error "The number indicated does is not a valid choice! Halting!"
                        $global:FunctionResult = "1"

                    if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Win32NT") {
                        # Install to GAC
                        $publish = New-Object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish

                    # Copy it to the root of $NewAssemblyDir\$OutFileBaseName
                    Copy-Item -Path "$($PossibleDLLs[$Choice].FullName)" -Destination "$NewAssemblyDir\$assembly.dll"

                    # Remove everything else that was extracted with Expand-Archive
                    Get-ChildItem -Recurse $NewAssemblyDir | Where-Object {
                        $_.FullName -ne "$NewAssemblyDir\$assembly.dll" -and
                        $_.FullName -ne "$NewAssemblyDir\$OutFileBaseName"
                    } | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
                if ($PossibleDLLs.Count -lt 1) {
                    Write-Error "No matching .dll files were found within $NewAssemblyDir\$OutFileBaseName ! Halting!"
                if ($PossibleDLLs.Count -eq 1) {
                    if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Win32NT") {
                        # Install to GAC
                        $publish = New-Object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish

                    # Copy it to the root of $NewAssemblyDir\$OutFileBaseName
                    Copy-Item -Path "$($PossibleDLLs[$Choice].FullName)" -Destination "$NewAssemblyDir\$assembly.dll"

                    # Remove everything else that was extracted with Expand-Archive
                    Get-ChildItem -Recurse $NewAssemblyDir | Where-Object {
                        $_.FullName -ne "$NewAssemblyDir\$assembly.dll" -and
                        $_.FullName -ne "$NewAssemblyDir\$OutFileBaseName"
                    } | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
            $AssemblyFullInfo = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName($assembly)
            if (!$AssemblyFullInfo) {
                $AssemblyFullInfo = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("$NewAssemblyDir\$assembly.dll")
            if (!$AssemblyFullInfo) {
                Write-Error "The assembly $assembly could not be found or otherwise loaded! Halting!"
                $global:FunctionResult = "1"
            $null = $NeededAssemblies.Add([pscustomobject]@{
                AssemblyName = "$assembly"
                Available = if ($AssemblyFullInfo){$true} else {$false}
                AssemblyInfo = $AssemblyFullInfo
                AssemblyLocation = $AssemblyFullInfo.Location

        if ($NeededAssemblies.Available -contains $false) {
            $AssembliesNotFound = $($NeededAssemblies | Where-Object {$_.Available -eq $false}).AssemblyName
            Write-Error "The following assemblies cannot be found:`n$AssembliesNotFound`nHalting!"
            $global:FunctionResult = "1"

        $Assem = $NeededAssemblies.AssemblyInfo.FullName

        $Source = @"
        using System;
        using System.IO;
        using System.IO.Compression;
        namespace MyCore.Utils
            public static class Zip
                public static void ExtractAll(string sourcepath, string destpath)
                    string zipPath = @sourcepath;
                    string extractPath = @destpath;
                    using (ZipArchive archive = ZipFile.Open(zipPath, ZipArchiveMode.Update))
                public static void ExtractSpecific(string sourcepath, string destpath, string specificitem)
                    string zipPath = @sourcepath;
                    string extractPath = @destpath;
                    string itemout = @specificitem.Replace(@"\","/");
                    using (ZipArchive archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(zipPath))
                        foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries)
                            //bool satisfied = new bool();
                            //satisfied = entry.FullName.IndexOf(@itemout, 0, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) != -1;
                            if (entry.FullName.IndexOf(@itemout, 0, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) != -1)
                                string finaloutputpath = extractPath + "\\" + entry.Name;
                                entry.ExtractToFile(finaloutputpath, true);

        $CurrentLoadedAssemblies = [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
        $CheckMyCoreUtilsDownloadIdLoaded = $CurrentLoadedAssemblies | Where-Object {$_.ExportedTypes -like "MyCore.Utils.Zip*"}
        if ($CheckMyCoreUtilsDownloadIdLoaded -eq $null) {
            Add-Type -ReferencedAssemblies $Assem -TypeDefinition $Source
        else {
            Write-Warning "The Namespace MyCore.Utils Class Zip is already loaded!"
        if (!$SpecificItem) {
            [MyCore.Utils.Zip]::ExtractAll($PathToZip, $TargetDir)
        else {
            [MyCore.Utils.Zip]::ExtractSpecific($PathToZip, $TargetDir, $SpecificItem)

    if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -and $($($PSVersionTable.Platform -and $PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Win32NT") -or !$PSVersionTable.Platform)) {
        if ($SpecificItem) {
            foreach ($item in $SpecificItem) {
                if ($SpecificItem -match "\\") {
                    $SpecificItem = $SpecificItem -replace "\\","\\"

        ##### BEGIN Native Helper Functions #####
        function Get-ZipChildItems {
                [string]$ZipFile = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the full path to the zip file")

            $shellapp = new-object -com shell.application
            $zipFileComObj = $shellapp.Namespace($ZipFile)
            $i = $zipFileComObj.Items()
            Get-ZipChildItems_Recurse $i

        function Get-ZipChildItems_Recurse {

            foreach($si in $items) {
                if($si.getfolder -ne $null) {
                    # Loop through subfolders
                    Get-ZipChildItems_Recurse $si.getfolder.items()
                # Spit out the object

        ##### END Native Helper Functions #####

        ##### BEGIN Variable/Parameter Transforms and PreRun Prep #####
        if (!$(Test-Path $PathToZip)) {
            Write-Verbose "The path $PathToZip was not found! Halting!"
            Write-Error "The path $PathToZip was not found! Halting!"
            $global:FunctionResult = "1"
        if ($(Get-ChildItem $PathToZip).Extension -ne ".zip") {
            Write-Verbose "The file specified by the -PathToZip parameter does not have a .zip file extension! Halting!"
            Write-Error "The file specified by the -PathToZip parameter does not have a .zip file extension! Halting!"
            $global:FunctionResult = "1"

        $ZipFileNameWExt = $(Get-ChildItem $PathToZip).Name

        ##### END Variable/Parameter Transforms and PreRun Prep #####

        ##### BEGIN Main Body #####

        Write-Verbose "NOTE: PowerShell 5.0 uses Expand-Archive cmdlet to unzip files"

        if (!$SpecificItem) {
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) {
                Expand-Archive -Path $PathToZip -DestinationPath $TargetDir
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) {
                # Load System.IO.Compression.Filesystem
                [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.IO.Compression.FileSystem") | Out-Null

                # Unzip file
                [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($PathToZip, $TargetDir)
        if ($SpecificItem) {
            $ZipSubItems = Get-ZipChildItems -ZipFile $PathToZip

            foreach ($searchitem in $SpecificItem) {
                [array]$potentialItems = foreach ($item in $ZipSubItems) {
                    if ($item.Path -match $searchitem) {

                $shell = new-object -com shell.application

                if ($potentialItems.Count -eq 1) {
                    $shell.Namespace($TargetDir).CopyHere($potentialItems[0], 0x14)
                if ($potentialItems.Count -gt 1) {
                    Write-Warning "More than one item within $ZipFileNameWExt matches $searchitem."
                    Write-Host "Matches include the following:"
                    for ($i=0; $i -lt $potentialItems.Count; $i++){
                        "$i) $($($potentialItems[$i]).Path)"
                    $Choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the number corresponding to the item you would like to extract [0..$($($potentialItems.Count)-1)]"
                    if ($(0..$($($potentialItems.Count)-1)) -notcontains $Choice) {
                        Write-Warning "The number indicated does is not a valid choice! Skipping $searchitem..."
                    for ($i=0; $i -lt $potentialItems.Count; $i++){
                        $shell.Namespace($TargetDir).CopyHere($potentialItems[$Choice], 0x14)
                if ($potentialItems.Count -lt 1) {
                    Write-Warning "No items within $ZipFileNameWExt match $searchitem! Skipping..."
        ##### END Main Body #####