
Describe -Verbose "Validating Remove-PMPacakge" {
    $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
    # Create a temporary data directory within the Pester temp drive
    # Modify the module datapath to reflect this temporary location
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "TestDrive:\ProgramManager\"
    & (Get-Module ProgramManager) { $script:DataPath = "TestDrive:\ProgramManager" }
    # For use within the test script, since no access to module- $script:DataPath
    $dataPath = "TestDrive:\ProgramManager"
    It "Given valid parameters: PackageName <PackageName>; of type <Type> <FileName>; It should correctly remove data and delete files" -TestCases @(
        # The different valid test cases for a local package (exe and msi)
        @{ Type = "Local"; PackageName = "local-package"; FileName = "localpackage-1.0.exe" }
        @{ Type = "Local"; PackageName = "local-package"; FileName = "localpackage-1.0.msi" }
        @{ Type = "Portable"; PackageName = "portable-package"; FileName = "PortablePackage_1.3.zip" }
        @{ Type = "Portable"; PackageName = "portable-package"; FileName = "portablepackage-1.0.exe" }
        @{ Type = "Portable"; PackageName = "portable-package"; FileName = "PortablePackage_1.0\" }
        @{ Type = "Url"; PackageName = "url-package"; FileName = "" }
    ) {
        # Pass test case data into the test body
        Param ($Type, $PackageName, [AllowEmptyString()]$FileName)
        # Copy the test packages from the git repo to the temporary drive
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "TestDrive:\RawPackages\"
        Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\files\packages\*" -Destination "TestDrive:\RawPackages\"
        # Create a package entry so then test the removal of said package
        if ($Type -eq "Local") {
            New-PMPackage -Name $PackageName -LocalPackage -PackageLocation "TestDrive:\RawPackages\$FileName"       
        }elseif ($Type -eq "Portable") {
            New-PMPackage -Name $PackageName -PortablePackage -PackageLocation "TestDrive:\RawPackages\$FileName" -InstallDirectory "TestDrive:\"        
        }elseif ($Type -eq "Url") {
            New-PMPackage -Name $PackageName -UrlPackage -PackageLocation "https://somewhere"
        }elseif ($Type -eq "Chocolatey") {
            # TODO: implement chocolatey support
        # Read the database back in to ensure the package was added properly
        $packageList = Import-PackageList
        $packageList.Count | Should -Be 1
        if ($Type -eq "Local" -or $Type -eq "Portable") {
            # Check that the package files haven't been left behind in the original directory
            Test-Path -Path "TestDrive:\RawPackages\$FileName" | Should -Be $false
        # Run the command
        Remove-PMPackage -PackageName $PackageName
        # Read the database back in to validate that the package was removed properly
        $packageList = Import-PackageList
        $packageList.Count | Should -Be 0
        if ($Type -eq "Local" -or $Type -eq "Portable") {
            # Check that the package files haven't been left behind in the package store
            Test-Path -Path "$dataPath\packages\$PackageName" | Should -Be $false
        # Delete the package store and database file for next test
        Remove-Item -Path "$dataPath\packageDatabase.xml" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Item -Path "$dataPath\packages" -Recurse -Force
        Remove-Item -Path "TestDrive:\RawPackages\" -Recurse -Force
    It "Given valid parameters: PackageName <PackageName>; of type <Type> <FileName>; -RetainFiles Path <Path>; It should correctly remove data and move files" -TestCases @(
        # The different valid test cases for a local package (exe and msi)
        @{ Type = "Local"; PackageName = "local-package"; FileName = "localpackage-1.0.exe"; Path = "TestDrive:\moveDir" }
        @{ Type = "Local"; PackageName = "local-package"; FileName = "localpackage-1.0.msi"; Path = "TestDrive:\moveDir" }
        @{ Type = "Portable"; PackageName = "protable-package"; FileName = "PortablePackage_1.3.zip"; Path = "TestDrive:\moveDir" }
        @{ Type = "Portable"; PackageName = "protable-package"; FileName = "portablepackage-1.0.exe"; Path = "TestDrive:\moveDir" }
        @{ Type = "Portable"; PackageName = "protable-package"; FileName = "PortablePackage_1.0\"; Path = "TestDrive:\moveDir" }
    ) {
        # Pass test case data into the test body
        Param ($Type, $PackageName, $FileName, $Path)
        # Copy the test packages from the git repo to the temporary drive
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "TestDrive:\RawPackages\"
        Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\files\packages\*" -Destination "TestDrive:\RawPackages\"
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "TestDrive:\moveDir\"
        # Create a package entry so then test the removal of said package
        if ($Type -eq "Local") {
            New-PMPackage -Name $PackageName -LocalPackage -PackageLocation "TestDrive:\RawPackages\$FileName"          
        }elseif ($Type -eq "Portable") {
            New-PMPackage -Name $PackageName -PortablePackage -PackageLocation "TestDrive:\RawPackages\$FileName" -InstallDirectory "TestDrive:\"        
        # Read the database back in to ensure the package was added properly
        $packageList = Import-PackageList
        $packageList.Count | Should -Be 1
        # Check that the package files haven't been left behind in the original directory
        Test-Path -Path "TestDrive:\RawPackages\$FileName" | Should -Be $false
        # Run the command
        Remove-PMPackage -PackageName $PackageName -RetainFiles -Path $Path
        # Read the database back in to validate that the package was removed properly
        $packageList = Import-PackageList
        $packageList.Count | Should -Be 0
        # Check that the package files haven't been left behind in the package store
        Test-Path -Path "$dataPath\packages\$PackageName" | Should -Be $false
        # Check that the package files have been moved to the new location
        Test-Path -Path "$Path\$PackageName\" | Should -Be $true
        # Delete the package store and database file for next test
        Remove-Item -Path "$dataPath\packageDatabase.xml" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Item -Path "$dataPath\packages" -Recurse -Force
        Remove-Item -Path "TestDrive:\RawPackages\" -Recurse -Force
        Remove-Item -Path "TestDrive:\moveDir" -Recurse -Force
    InModuleScope -ModuleName ProgramManager {
        # Stop any message outputting to screen
        Mock Write-Message { }
        It "Given invalid parameter -PackageName <PackageName>; It should stop and warn" -TestCases @(
            # The different invalid test cases for a local filepath
            @{ PackageName = "" }
            @{ PackageName = " " }
            @{ PackageName = "." }
            @{ PackageName = "*" }
            @{ PackageName = ".*" }
            @{ PackageName = "asg%346£^ehah$%^47434!*" }
            @{ PackageName = "..." }
            @{ PackageName = "***" }
            @{ PackageName = " " }
        ) {
            # Pass test case data into the test body
            Param ([AllowEmptyString()]$PackageName)
            # Copy over pre-populated database file from git to check for name clashes
            Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\files\data\existingPackage-packageDatabase.xml" -Destination "$dataPath\packageDatabase.xml"
            # Run the command
            Remove-PMPackage -PackageName $PackageName 
            # Check that the warning message was properly sent
            Assert-MockCalled Write-Message -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
                $DisplayWarning -eq $true
            # Delete the package store and database file for next test
            Remove-Item -Path "$dataPath\packageDatabase.xml" -Force
        It "Given invalid parameter -RetainFiles -Path <Path>; On a invalid \packages\ directory; It should stop and error" -TestCases @(
            # The different invalid test cases for a local filepath
            @{ Path = ""; PackageName = "existing-local-package" }
            @{ Path = " "; PackageName = "existing-local-package" }
            @{ Path = "*"; PackageName = "existing-local-package" }
            @{ Path = ".*"; PackageName = "existing-local-package" }
            @{ Path = "."; PackageName = "existing-local-package" }
            @{ Path = "asdasd"; PackageName = "existing-local-package" }
        ) {
            # Pass test case data into the test body
            Param ([AllowEmptyString()]$Path, $PackageName)
            # Copy over pre-populated database file
            Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\files\data\existingPackage-packageDatabase.xml" -Destination "$dataPath\packageDatabase.xml"
            # Run the command
            Remove-PMPackage -PackageName $PackageName -RetainFiles -Path $Path
            # Check that the warning message was properly sent
            if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path) -eq $true) {
                Assert-MockCalled Write-Message -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
                    $DisplayWarning -eq $true
            }else {
                Assert-MockCalled Write-Message -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
                    $DisplayError -eq $true
            # Delete the package store and database file for next test
            Remove-Item -Path "$dataPath\packageDatabase.xml" -Force
        It "Given invalid parameter -RetainFiles -Path <Path>; On a valid \packages\ directory; It should stop and warn" -TestCases @(
            # The different invalid test cases for a local filepath
            @{ Path = ""; PackageName = "new-package" }
            @{ Path = " "; PackageName = "new-package" }
            @{ Path = "*"; PackageName = "new-package" }
            @{ Path = ".*"; PackageName = "new-package" }
            @{ Path = "asdasdas"; PackageName = "new-package" }
            @{ Path = "**"; PackageName = "new-package" }
            @{ Path = "."; PackageName = "new-package" }
            @{ Path = ""; PackageName = "new-package" }
        ) {
            # Pass test case data into the test body
            Param ([AllowEmptyString()]$Path, $PackageName)
            # Copy the test packages from the git repo to the temporary drive
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "TestDrive:\RawPackages\"
            Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\files\packages\*" -Destination "TestDrive:\RawPackages\"
            # Copy over pre-populated database file
            Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\files\data\existingPackage-packageDatabase.xml" -Destination "$dataPath\packageDatabase.xml"
            # Add the package entry
            New-PMPackage -Name $PackageName -LocalPackage "TestDrive:\RawPackages\localpackage-1.0.exe"
            # Run the command
            Remove-PMPackage -PackageName $PackageName -RetainFiles -Path $Path
            # Check that the warning message was properly sent
            Assert-MockCalled Write-Message -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter { # TODO: -Exactly flag was causing issues; fix
                $DisplayWarning -eq $true
            # Delete the package store and database file for next test
            Remove-Item -Path "$dataPath\packageDatabase.xml" -Force
            Remove-Item -Path "$dataPath\packages" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Remove-Item -Path "TestDrive:\RawPackages\" -Recurse -Force
        It "Given parameter -RetainFiles -Path <Path>; On a url-package; It should continue and warn" -TestCases @(
            # The different invalid test cases for a local filepath
            @{ Path = "TestDrive:\"; PackageName = "existing-package" }
            @{ Path = ""; PackageName = "existing-package" }
            @{ Path = " "; PackageName = "existing-package" }
            @{ Path = "*"; PackageName = "existing-package" }
            @{ Path = "."; PackageName = "existing-package" }
            @{ Path = ".*"; PackageName = "existing-package" }
            @{ Path = "adasd"; PackageName = "existing-package" }
        ) {
            # Pass test case data into the test body
            Param ([AllowEmptyString()]$Path, $PackageName)
            # Copy over pre-populated database file
            Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\files\data\existingPackage-packageDatabase.xml" -Destination "$dataPath\packageDatabase.xml"
            # Run the command
            Remove-PMPackage -PackageName $PackageName -RetainFiles -Path $Path
            # Check that the warning message was properly sent
            Assert-MockCalled Write-Message -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
                $DisplayWarning -eq $true
            # Delete the package store and database file for next test
            Remove-Item -Path "$dataPath\packageDatabase.xml" -Force