

# Packs the code into a NuGet package.
# The dotnet pack command builds the project and creates NuGet packages. The result of this command
# is a NuGet package (that is, a .nupkg file).
function Invoke-DotnetPack {
    param (
        # The project or solution to pack. It's either a path to a csproj, vbproj, or fsproj file,
        # or to a solution file or directory. If not specified, the command searches the current
        # directory for a project or solution file.
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [string] $ProjectOrSolution,

        # Defines the build configuration. The default for most projects is Debug, but you can
        # override the build configuration settings in your project.

        # Forces all dependencies to be resolved even if the last restore was successful.
        # Specifying this flag is the same as deleting the project.assets.json file.

        # Includes the debug symbols NuGet packages in addition to the regular NuGet packages in
        # the output directory. The sources files are included in the src folder within the
        # symbols package.

        # Includes the debug symbols NuGet packages in addition to the regular NuGet packages in
        # the output directory.

        # Allows the command to stop and wait for user input or action. For example, to complete
        # authentication.
        # Available since .NET Core 3.0 SDK.

        # Doesn't build the project before packing. It also implicitly sets the `-NoRestore`
        # parameter.

        # Ignores project-to-project references and only restores the root project.

        # Doesn't execute an implicit restore when running the command.

        # Doesn't display the startup banner or the copyright message.

        # Places the built packages in the directory specified.

        # Sets one or more MSBuild properties.

        # Specifies the target runtime to restore packages for. For a list of Runtime Identifiers
        # (RIDs), see the RID catalog.

        # Sets the serviceable flag in the package. For more information, see .NET Blog: .NET
        # Framework 4.5.1 Supports Microsoft Security Updates for .NET NuGet Libraries.

        # Sets the verbosity level of the command. Allowed values are `Q[uiet]`, `M[inimal]`,
        # `N[ormal]`, `D[etailed]`, and `Diag[nostic]`.

        # Defines the value for the VersionSuffix MSBuild property. The effect of this property on
        # the package version depends on the values of the `Version` and `VersionPrefix`
        # properties.
        # If you want to use `-VersionSuffix`, specify `VersionPrefix` and not `Version` in the
        # project file. For example, if `VersionPrefix` is `0.1.2` and you pass `-VersionSuffix
        # rc.1` to `Invoke-DotnetPack`, the package version will be `0.1.2-rc.1`.
        # If `Version` has a value and you pass `-VersionSuffix` to `InvokeDotnetPack`, the value
        # specified for `-VersionSuffix` is ignored.

    if ($ProjectOrSolution) {
        $Arguments = @($ProjectOrSolution)

    if ($Configuration) {
        $Arguments += "--configuration",$Configuration

    if ($Force) {
        $Arguments += "--force"

    if ($IncludeSource) {
        $Arguments += "--include-source"

    if ($IncludeSymbols) {
        $Arguments += "--include-symbols"

    if ($Interactive) {
        $Arguments += "--interactive"

    if ($NoBuild) {
        $Arguments += "--no-build"

    if ($NoDependencies) {
        $Arguments += "--no-dependencies"

    if ($NoRestore) {
        $Arguments += "--no-restore"

    if ($NoLogo) {
        $Arguments += "--nologo"

    if ($Output) {
        $Arguments += "--output",$Output

    if ($Properties) {
        foreach ($property in ($Properties.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name)) {
            $Arguments += "-p:$($property.Name)=$($property.Value)"

    if ($Runtime) {
        $Arguments += "--runtime",$Runtime

    if ($Serviceable) {
        $Arguments += "--serviceable"

    if ($Verbosity) {
        $Arguments += "--verbosity",$Verbosity

    if ($VersionSuffix) {
        $Arguments += "--version-suffix",$VersionSuffix

    Invoke-Dotnet "pack" @Arguments