
New-Alias Add-Trigger Add-NotificationTrigger
New-Alias Edit-TriggerProperty Edit-NotificationTriggerProperty
New-Alias Get-Trigger Get-NotificationTrigger
New-Alias Get-TriggerTypes Get-NotificationTriggerTypes
New-Alias New-TriggerParameter New-NotificationTriggerParameter
New-Alias Remove-Trigger Remove-NotificationTrigger
New-Alias Set-Trigger Set-NotificationTrigger

New-Alias Set-ChannelSetting Set-ChannelProperty
New-Alias Set-ObjectSetting Set-ObjectProperty

New-Alias Acknowledge-Sensor Confirm-Sensor
New-Alias Pause-Object Suspend-Object
New-Alias Refresh-Object Update-Object
New-Alias Clone-Sensor Copy-Sensor
New-Alias Clone-Group Copy-Group
New-Alias Clone-Device Copy-Device

function New-Credential
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText", "", Scope="Function")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "", Scope="Function")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $secureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force
    New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $UserName, $secureString

<#function Install-PrtgAPI

    $module = Get-Module PrtgAPI | where ModuleType -eq Binary
    $lastSlash = $module.Path.LastIndexOf("\")

    $modulePath = $module.Path.Substring(0, $lastSlash)

    # copy this whole folder to "whatever my program files is"\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\<insert the folder here>
    # maybe copy to both folders

function Update-PrtgAPI

    # requires powershell 5

    #if $psISE, throw an exception

    $baseCI = ""

    $request = Invoke-WebRequest $baseCI
    $json = $request | ConvertFrom-Json

    if($ -eq "success")
        $oldV = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo("$PSScriptRoot\PrtgAPI.dll").FileVersion
        $newV = $

        Write-Host "Current version: $oldV"
        Write-Host "Latest version: $newV"

        $newVersion = New-Object Version -ArgumentList $newV
        $oldVersion = New-Object Version -ArgumentList $oldV

        if($newVersion -lt $oldVersion)
            Write-Host "Downloading version $newV"

            $tmp = "$env:temp\"

            #Invoke-WebRequest "$baseCI/artifacts/PrtgAPI/bin/Release/" -OutFile $tmp

            #if we're installed in program files\windowspowershell\modules, we need to update both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions
            #and we need to move them both to that temp folder and throw an error indicating which one is locked
            #(full path) if we cant move them

            #Expand-Archive c:\ -OutputPath c:\a

            #to update it, launch a new powershell, close this one, download the new version, create a Current folder, move everything to it
            #if we fail, move current back. if we suceed, clear a Previous version folder and move current to Previous

            #define a function, stringify it and pass it to another powershell:

            function UpdateInternal

                #we should have a y/n prompt if we determine the versions differ confirming you want to upgrade

                Write-Host $a

                Write-Host "Checking if $a\PrtgAPI.dll is open"
                if($(try { [IO.File]::OpenWrite("$PSScriptRoot\PrtgAPI.dll").close();$true } catch {$false}))
                    Write-Host "not open!"
                    Write-Host "open!"

            #$updateFunction = "function update { $((Get-Command UpdateInternal).Definition) }; update"

            $updateFunction = 'function update { ' + (Get-Command UpdateInternal).Definition + ' }; update ' + "`"$PSScriptRoot`""

            $script = ([ScriptBlock]::Create($updateFunction))

            powershell.exe -noexit -command $script
            Write-Host "You are already on the latest version"
        Write-Host "Could not update PrtgAPI; last build was unsuccessful. Please see to update manually."

#todo: maybe have a list of exported commands, and have a version on this file in the output of get-module