

    Describes values that can be used with New-SensorParameters for creating sensor creation parameters for different
    sensor types.

    PrtgAPI provides a variety of built-in sensor parameter types for creating brand new sensors within PRTG,
    instantiable via the New-SensorParameters cmdlet. While each set of parameters provide a number of different
    properties, the New-SensorParameters cmdlet provides the capability of setting the most critical (usually
    mandatory) properties of each type. Usually, this consists of the proposed sensor name, plus an additional
    value that specifies the target of the sensor (such as the EXE/Script name of an EXE/Script Advanced sensor).

    The following table outlines the values that can be specified to New-SensorParameters for all supported sensor
    types. When invoking New-SensorParameters, all values are both optional as well as positional. If mandatory fields
    are not filled in by the time the parameters are passed to the Add-Sensor cmdlet, Add-Sensor will throw an
    exception specifying the fields that were missing values

    | Sensor Type | First | Second | Description |
    | ----- ----- | -------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
    | ExeXml | Name | EXE Name | EXE/Script Advanced sensor. EXE Name is mandatory. |
    | WmiService | Services | | WMI Service sensor. Name dynamic. See also: Get-SensorTarget -WmiService |

    Create an EXE/Script Advanced sensor named "test" against script "testScript.ps1"

    C:\> $params = New-SensorParameters ExeXml "test" "testScript.ps1"

    Create a WMI Service sensor for all services whose name contains "Exchange"

    C:\> $device = Get-Device -Id 1001
    C:\> $services = $device | Get-SensorTarget WmiService *exchange*
    C:\> $params = New-SensorParameters WmiService $services
    C:\> $device | Add-Sensor $params

    PrtgAPI Wiki: https://github.com/lordmilko/PrtgAPI/wiki