
function Push-ToAzureDevOps {
Clones the current git repo to a AzureDevOps project.
Calling Push-ToAzureDevOps will clone your git repo to a AzureDevOps project. If you don't specify a project it will try to use the default one.
If no default project is configure it will error. You must run this command from inside of your git repo folder.
.PARAMETER Repository
The repository name to use. Can be inherited from a config file.
The acount name to use. Can be inherited from a config file.
If your AzureDevOps url is then this value should be hello.
The project name to use. Can be inherited from a config file.
This will look for a git repo in the current directory and try to find an already configured project/account.
It will then create a repo in that project and push to it.
Push-ToAzureDevOps -Project MyProject -Account MyAccount
Finds a git repo in current directory and adds it to the given account/project

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if( -not (testForGit)) {
        throw "Could not find the git exe in the path"

   $accountName = getFromValueOrConfig $Account $script:config_accountKey
   $projectName = getFromValueOrConfig $Project $script:config_projectKey
   $repoName    = getFromValueOrConfig $Repository $script:config_repoKey

   # Create this repo online
   $repoResult = createRepo $accountName $projectName $repoName
   $remoteUrl = $repoResult.remoteUrl

   # Figure out if origin is already defined
   # if so we try to use the PsAzureDevOps remote name
   $currentRemotes = git remote
   $remoteName = "origin"
   if($currentRemotes -and $currentRemotes.Contains("origin")) {
    Write-Host "origin remote already exists so create PsAzureDevOps remote"
    $remoteName = "PsAzureDevOps"

    Write-Host "Add remote $remoteName $remoteUrl"
    git remote add $remoteName $remoteUrl

    Write-Host "Pushing repository"
    git push -u $remoteName --all 

function testForGit() {

    $hasGit = $false
    try {
        git --version | Out-Null
        $hasGit = $true
    } catch {
        $hasGit = $false
        $ErrorCount -= 1

    return $hasGit