
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

if(!$Global:PsAzureDevOps) { 
    $Global:PsAzureDevOps = @{} 

"$here\..\functions\*.ps1", "$here\..\cmdlets\*.ps1" |
Resolve-Path |
Where-Object { -not ($_.ProviderPath.Contains(".Tests.")) } |
ForEach-Object { . $_.ProviderPath }

Describe "Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig" {
    $script:globalConfigPath = Join-Path "TestDrive:\global\config" $script:configFileName
    New-Item  $globalConfigPath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Context "When setting config values" {
        $localConfigFolder = "TestDrive:\localConfig0"
        New-Item  $localConfigFolder -ItemType directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Push-Location $localConfigFolder

        Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Project MyProject
        Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Account MyAccount

        $localConfig = Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig -Local

        It "sets values to local config file by default"{

            $localConfig.Count | Should be 2
            $localConfig.Project | Should be "MyProject"
            $localConfig.Account | Should be "MyAccount"


    Context "When setting local config values" {

        $localConfigFolder = "TestDrive:\localConfig1"
        New-Item  $localConfigFolder -ItemType directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Push-Location $localConfigFolder

        Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Account GlobalAccount -Global

        Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Project MyProject -Local
        Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Account MyAccount -Local

        $localConfig = Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig -Local
        $globalConfig = Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig -Global
        $activeConfig = Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig

        It "sets values to local config file"{

            $localConfig.Count | Should be 2
            $localConfig.Project | Should be "MyProject"
            $localConfig.Account | Should be "MyAccount"

        It "they will show as the active values"{

            $activeConfig.Count | Should be 2
            $activeConfig.Project | Should be "MyProject"
            $activeConfig.Account | Should be "MyAccount"

        It "does not set on the global config"{
            $globalConfig.Project | Should not be "MyProject"
            $globalConfig.Account | Should not be "MyAccount"



    Context "When setting global config values" {

        $localConfigFolder = "TestDrive:\localConfig2"
        New-Item  $localConfigFolder -ItemType directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Push-Location $localConfigFolder
        Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Project GlobalProject -Global
        Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Account GlobalAccount -Global

        Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Account MyAccount -Local

        $localConfig = Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig -Local
        $globalConfig = Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig -Global
        $activeConfig = Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig

        It "sets values to global config file"{

            $globalConfig.Count | Should be 2
            $globalConfig.Project | Should be "GlobalProject"
            $globalConfig.Account | Should be "GlobalAccount"

        It "they will show as the active values unless overriden in local file"{

            $activeConfig.Count | Should be 2
            $activeConfig.Project | Should be "GlobalProject"
            $activeConfig.Account | Should be "MyAccount"

        It "does not set on the local config"{
            $localConfig.Count | Should be 1
            $localConfig.Account | Should be "MyAccount"


    Context "When setting local config from nested folders" {

        $localConfigFolder = "TestDrive:\localConfig3"
        New-Item  $localConfigFolder -ItemType directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Push-Location $localConfigFolder
        Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Project MyProject -Local
        Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Account MyAccount -Local

        $localConfigFolder2 = "TestDrive:\localConfig3\deep\nested"
        New-Item  $localConfigFolder2 -ItemType directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Push-Location $localConfigFolder2

        Set-PsAzureDevOpsConfig Account MyAccountNested -Local

        $localConfigNested = Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig -Local
        $activeConfigNested = Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig


        $localConfig = Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig -Local
        $activeConfig = Get-PsAzureDevOpsConfig

        It "sets values to local config file"{

            $localConfigNested.Count | Should be 2
            $localConfigNested.Project | Should be "MyProject"
            $localConfigNested.Account | Should be "MyAccountNested"

        It "they will show as the active values"{

            $activeConfigNested.Count | Should be 2
            $activeConfigNested.Project | Should be "MyProject"
            $activeConfigNested.Account | Should be "MyAccountNested"

        It "does not create a new local file if found in parent directory"{

            $localConfig.Count | Should be 2
            $localConfig.Project | Should be "MyProject"
            $localConfig.Account | Should be "MyAccountNested"

