
function ConvertTo-HtmlList {
    Param (
        # Array of strings to convert to an HTML unordered list
    begin {
        $UL = @()
        $UL += '<ul>'
    Process {
        foreach ($ThisObject in $InputObject) {
            $UL += "<li>$ThisObject</li>"}
    end {
        $UL += '</ul>'
        Write-Output $UL

function New-BootstrapAlert {
            Creates a new HTML div that uses the Bootstrap alert class
            Creates a new HTML div that uses the Bootstrap alert class
            A string wih the HTML code for the div
            New-BootstrapAlert -Text 'blah'
            This example returns the following string:
            '<div class="alert alert-info"><strong>Info!</strong> blah</div>'

        #The HTML element to apply the Bootstrap column to
            Position = 0,

            Position = 1
        [string]$Class = 'Info'
        ForEach ($String in $Text) {
            #"<div class=`"alert alert-$($Class.ToLower())`"><strong>$Class!</strong> $String</div>"
            "<div class=`"alert alert-$($Class.ToLower())`">$String</div>"
function New-BootstrapColumn {
            Wraps HTML elements in a Bootstrap column of the specified width
            Creates a Bootstrap container which contains a row which contains a column of the specified width
            A string wih the code for the Bootstrap container
            New-BootstrapColumn -Html '<h1>Heading</h1>'
            This example returns the following string:
            '<div class="container"><div class="row justify-content-md-center"><div class="col col-lg-12"><h1>Heading</h1></div></div></div>'

        #The HTML element to apply the Bootstrap column to
            Position = 0,

            Position = 1
        [Int]$Width = 12
        ForEach ($OldHtml in $Html) {
            [String]$NewHtml = "<div class=`"container`"><div class=`"row justify-content-md-center`"><div class=`"col col-lg-$Width`">$OldHtml</div></div></div>"
            Write-Output $NewHtml
function New-BootstrapDiv {
            Creates a new HTML div that uses the Bootstrap alert class
            Creates a new HTML div that uses the Bootstrap alert class
            A string wih the HTML code for the div
            New-BootstrapAlert -Text 'blah'
            This example returns the following string:
            '<div class="alert alert-info"><strong>Info!</strong> blah</div>'

        #The HTML element to apply the Bootstrap column to
            Position = 0,

            Position = 1
        [string]$Class = 'h-100 p-1 bg-light border rounded-3'
        ForEach ($String in $Text) {
            #"<div class=`"alert alert-$($Class.ToLower())`"><strong>$Class!</strong> $String</div>"
            "<div class=`"alert alert-$($Class.ToLower())`">$String</div>"
function New-BootstrapGrid {
            Wraps HTML elements in a Bootstrap column of the specified width
            Creates a Bootstrap container which contains a row which contains a column of the specified width
            A string wih the code for the Bootstrap container
            New-BootstrapColumn -Html '<h1>Heading</h1>'
            This example returns the following string:
            '<div class="container"><div class="row justify-content-md-center"><div class="col col-lg-12"><h1>Heading</h1></div></div></div>'

        #The HTML element to apply the Bootstrap column to
            Position = 0,

        [string]$Justify = 'Center'
        $String = @()
        [decimal]$ExactWidth = 12 / ($Html | Measure-Object).Count
        [int]$Width = [Math]::Floor($ExactWidth)
        $String += "<div class=`"container`"><div class=`"row justify-content-md-$($Justify.ToLower())`">"
        ForEach ($OldHtml in $Html) {
            $String += "<div class=`"col col-lg-$Width`">$OldHtml</div>"
        $String += "</div></div>"
        $String -join ''
Function New-BootstrapList {
            Upgrade a boring HTML unordered list to a fancy Bootstrap list group
            Applies the Bootstrap 'table table-striped' class to an HTML table
            A string wih the code for the Bootstrap table
            New-BootstrapTable -HtmlTable '<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Id</th></tr><tr><td>ALMon</td><td>5540</td></tr></table>'
            This example returns the following string:
            '<table class="table table-striped"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Id</th></tr><tr><td>ALMon</td><td>5540</td></tr></table>'
            Author: Jeremy La Camera
            Last Updated: 11/6/2016

        #The HTML table to apply the Bootstrap striped table CSS class to
            Position = 0,
        ForEach ($Table in $HtmlTable) {
            [String]$NewTable = $Table -replace '<table>','<table class="table table-striped">'
            Write-Output $NewTable
function New-BootstrapPanel {
            Wraps HTML elements in a Bootstrap column of the specified width
            Creates a Bootstrap container which contains a row which contains a column of the specified width
            A string wih the code for the Bootstrap container
            New-BootstrapColumn -Html '<h1>Heading</h1>'
            This example returns the following string:
            '<div class="container"><div class="row justify-content-md-center"><div class="col col-lg-12"><h1>Heading</h1></div></div></div>'

        #The HTML element to apply the Bootstrap column to
            Position = 0,

        [string]$Class = 'default',


        $String = @()
        $String += "<div class=`"panel panel-$($Class.ToLower())`">"
        if ($Heading) {
            $String += "<div class=`"panel-heading`">$Heading</div>"
        ForEach ($OldHtml in $Html) {
            $String += "<div class=`"panel-body`">$OldHtml</div>"
        if ($Footer) {
            $String += "<div class=`"panel-footer`">$Footer</div>"
        $String += "</div>"
        $String -join ''
function New-BootstrapReport {
            Build a new Bootstrap report based on an HTML template
            Inserts the specified title, description, and body into the HTML report template
            Outputs a complete HTML report as a string
            New-BootstrapReport -Title 'ReportTitle' -Description 'This is the report description' -Body 'This is the body of the report'
            Author: Jeremy La Camera
            Last Updated: 11/6/2016

        #Title of the report (displayed at the top)

        #Description of the report (displayed below the Title)

        #Body of the report (tables, list groups, etc.)

        #The path to the HTML report template that includes the Boostrap CSS
        [String]$TemplatePath = "$PSScriptRoot\data\Templates\ReportTemplate.html"
    begin {
        [String]$Report = Get-Content $TemplatePath
        if ($null -eq $report) { Write-Host "$TemplatePath not loaded. Failure. Error." }
    process {

        # Turn URLs into hyperlinks
        $URLs = ($Body | Select-String -Pattern 'http[s]?:\/\/[^\s\"\<\>\#\%\{\}\|\\\^\~\[\]\`]*' -AllMatches).Matches.Value | Sort-Object -Unique
        foreach ($URL in $URLs) {
            if ($URL.Length -gt 50) {
                $Body = $Body.Replace($URL, "<a href=$URL>$($URL[0..46] -join '')...</a>")
            } else {
                $Body = $Body.Replace($URL, "<a href=$URL>$URL</a>")

        $Report = $Report -replace '_ReportTitle_', $Title
        $Report = $Report -replace '_ReportDescription_', $Description
        $Report = $Report -replace '_ReportBody_', $Body

    end {
        Write-Output $Report
Function New-BootstrapTable {
            Upgrade a boring HTML table to a fancy Bootstrap table
            Applies the Bootstrap 'table table-striped' class to an HTML table
            A string wih the code for the Bootstrap table
            New-BootstrapTable -HtmlTable '<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Id</th></tr><tr><td>ALMon</td><td>5540</td></tr></table>'
            This example returns the following string:
            '<table class="table table-striped"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Id</th></tr><tr><td>ALMon</td><td>5540</td></tr></table>'
            Author: Jeremy La Camera
            Last Updated: 11/6/2016

        #The HTML table to apply the Bootstrap striped table CSS class to
            Position = 0,
        ForEach ($Table in $HtmlTable) {
            [String]$NewTable = $Table -replace '<table>','<table class="table table-striped">'
            Write-Output $NewTable
function New-HtmlAnchor{
            Build a new HTML anchor
            Inserts the specified HTML element into an HTML anchor with the specified name
            Outputs the heading as a string
            New-HtmlAnchor -Element "<h1>SampleHeader</h1>" -Name "AnchorToSampleHeader"


        #The text of the heading

        #The heading level to generate (New-HtmlHeading can create h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, or h6 tags)

        Write-Output "<h$Level>$Text</h$Level>"
function New-HtmlHeading{
            Build a new HTML heading
            Inserts the specified text into an HTML heading of the specified level
            Outputs the heading as a string
            New-HtmlHeading -Text 'Example Heading'


        #The text of the heading

        #The heading level to generate (New-HtmlHeading can create h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, or h6 tags)
        [Int16]$Level = 1

        Write-Output "<h$Level>$Text</h$Level>"
function New-HtmlParagraph {
            Build a new HTML heading
            Inserts the specified text into an HTML heading of the specified level
            Outputs the heading as a string
            New-HtmlHeading -Text 'Example Heading'


        #The text of the heading

        #The heading level to generate (New-HtmlHeading can create h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, or h6 tags)
        [Int16]$Level = 1

        Write-Output "<h$Level>$Text</h$Level>"
$ScriptFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\*.ps1" -Recurse

# Dot source any functions
ForEach ($ThisScript in $ScriptFiles) {
    # Dot source the function
    . $($ThisScript.FullName)

# Add any custom C# classes as usable (exported) types
$CSharpFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\*.cs"
ForEach ($ThisFile in $CSharpFiles) {
    Add-Type -Path $ThisFile.FullName -ErrorAction Stop

# Export any public functions
$PublicScriptFiles = $ScriptFiles | Where-Object -FilterScript {
    ($_.PSParentPath | Split-Path -Leaf) -eq 'public'
$publicFunctions = $PublicScriptFiles.BaseName
Export-ModuleMember -Function @('ConvertTo-HtmlList','New-BootstrapAlert','New-BootstrapColumn','New-BootstrapDiv','New-BootstrapGrid','New-BootstrapList','New-BootstrapPanel','New-BootstrapReport','New-BootstrapTable','New-HtmlAnchor','New-HtmlHeading','New-HtmlParagraph')