
ConvertFrom-StringData -stringdata @'
ErrorEcfToolNotFound=The {0} is not available.
ErrorEcfToolFailed={0} failed.
ErrorDaVinciConsoleFailed=DAVINCI CONSOLE failed.
ErrorDaVinciConsoleNotFound=DAVINCI CONSOLE not found (Path: {0}). Please install DAVINCI on this computer.
ErrorFileExists=File {0} exists already.
ErrorTagNameParsing="{0} cannot be parsed as semantic version."
EcfToolInstalled={0} version {1} installed.
EcfToolUpdated={0} updated to newer version {1}.
EcfToolUpToDate={0} is up-to-date.
EcfToolAlreadyInstalled={0} is already installed. Use cmdlet "Update-EcfTools" for updating.
EcfToolNotInstalled={0} is not installed. Use cmdlet "Install-EcfTools" for installing.
StartDaVinciConsole=Start DAVINCI Console...
StartEcfTool=Start ECF Tool...