
    Prints the number of commits by each author.
    Uses git shortlog feature to print out the number of commits per author.
.PARAMETER allBranches
    A value determining whether the commits of all branches ($True) or only of the current branch ($False) should be counted.
    Print commit count of current branch only.
    CommitCount $True
    CommitCount -allBranches $True
    Print commit count of all branches.

Function CommitCount() {
        [bool]$allBranches = $False
    # Abort if not in Git repository
    if ( !(IsGitRepo) ) {
    if ( $allBranches ) {
        git shortlog -s -n --all
    else {
        git shortlog -s -n

    Gets the name of each author.
    Uses git log to get the names of all authors.
    Gets the authors.

Function GetAuthors() {
    # Abort if not in Git repository
    if ( !(IsGitRepo) ) {

    return git log --format='%aN' | Sort-Object -Unique

    Prints a visual tree of the repository history.
    Uses git log to print a commit history.
    Prints a commit tree.

Function GitTree() {
    git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold Magenta)%h%C(reset) - %s%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%an%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(dim white) %C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)'

    Gets the number of changes per author.
    Uses git log to callculate the number of changes per author.
    The name of the author to get the stats of.
.PARAMETER allBranches
    A value determining whether the commits of all branches ($True) or only of the current branch ($False) should be counted.
    Gets the number of changes of all authors (current branch).
    GetChangesByAuthor "athor name" $True
    Gets the number of changes of the user with the given name (all branches).

function GetChangesByAuthor() {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False) ][string] $author,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False) ][bool] $allBranches = $false
    if ( !$author ) {
        $authors = GetAuthors
    } else {
        $authors = [array] $author;
    $result = @()
    foreach ( $authorName in $authors ) {
        if ( $allBranches ) {
            $log = git log --author="$authorName" --pretty=tformat: --numstat --all
        else {
            $log = git log --author="$authorName" --pretty=tformat: --numstat

        if( !$log ) {
        $lines = $log.Split( "`r`n", [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries )
        $add = 0
        $delete = 0
        foreach ( $line in $lines ) {
            $values = $line.Split()
            try {
                $add +=  [Convert]::ToInt32( $values[0], 10 )
                $delete +=  [Convert]::ToInt32( $values[1], 10 )
            catch {    
        $result += (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ 'Add' = $add; 'Delete' = $delete; 'All' = $add + $delete; 'Author' = $authorName; })
    return $result | Sort-Object All -Descending