
function Find-HgUnmergedChangeset
    Finds all the changesets that haven't been merged between a given branch and the current working directory.
    The changesets are returned as objects.
    Find-HgUnmergedChangesets -Revision StableBranch
    Finds all the changesets that haven't been merged between `StableBranch` and the current working directory.

        # The name of the branch whose revisions are checked.
        # The path to the repository. Defaults to the current directory.
        $RepoRoot = ((Get-Location).Path)
    $rRepoRoot = Resolve-HgRoot $RepoRoot
    if( -not $rRepoRoot )
    Push-Location $rRepoRoot
        if( -not (Test-HgBranch -Name $BranchName) )
            Write-Error "Branch '$BranchName' not found."
        $currentBranch = Get-HgBranch -Current
        if( -not $currentBranch )
        hg log -r ("ancestors(branch({0})) - ancestors(branch({1}))" -f $BranchName,$currentBranch.Name) --style $PsHgStylePath | Split-HgXml

Set-Alias -Name 'Find-HgUnmergedChangesets' -Value 'Find-HgUnmergedChangeset'