
function Get-HgIncomingChangeset
    Gets all the incoming changesets for the current directory's repository.
    Returns objects representing the incomingchanges.
      ghginc, hgin
    Returns objects representing the changesets that haven't been pulled.
    Read-HgIncomingChangesets -Path C:\Projects\psHg
    Returns objects for any incoming changesets for the C:\Projects\psHg repository.

        # The revision whose changes to return. This is typically a branch name.

        # Specifies an explicit repository

        $RepoRoot = (Resolve-Path .),

        # Get full changeset information that is slow to compute: file adds, file modifications, file deletes, etc.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    $rRepoRoot = Resolve-HgRoot -Path $RepoRoot
    if( -not $rRepoRoot )
    $revisionArg = ''
    if( $Revision )
        $revisionArg = '-r{0}' -f $Revision
    $verboseOrDebugArg = '--verbose'
    if( $Force )
        $verboseOrDebugArg = '--debug'

    Push-Location $rRepoRoot
        if( -not $Source -and -not (Test-HgDefaultPath -Incoming) )
            Write-Error -Message ('Repository {0}''s default path setting not found.' -f $rRepoRoot) `
                        -RecommendedAction ('Add setting paths.default to {0}.' -f (Join-Path $rRepoRoot .hg\hgrc)) `
                        -Category InvalidOperation
        hg in --style $PsHgStylePath $revisionArg -R $rRepoRoot $Source $verboseOrDebugArg | 

Set-Alias -Name 'Read-HgIncomingChangesets' -Value 'Get-HgIncomingChangeset'
Set-Alias -Name 'hgin' -Value 'Get-HgIncomingChangeset'
Set-Alias -Name 'ghginc' -Value 'Get-HgIncomingChangeset'