
function Get-HgUncommittedChangeset
    Returns the status of all the uncommitted changes in the current repository.
    Returns the results of the `hg status` command as objects. Each object will have the following properties:
     * Path: The path (in the repository) to the file.
     * Modifed: True if the file is modifed.
     * Added: True if the file is added.
     * Removed: True if the files is removed.
     * Unknown: True if the file is unknown.
     * Clean: True if the file is clean.
     * Missing: True if the file is missing.
     * Ignored: True if the file is ignored.
      ghgunc, hgst
    Returns objects for each uncommitted change to a file in the repository in the current directory.
    Get-HgUncommittedChanges -Modified -Added -Removed
    Returns objects just for removed, modified, or added files.

        # Return modified files
        # Return new/added files.
        # Return removed files.
        # Return deleted/missing files.
        # The repository whose uncommitted changes to return.
        $RepoRoot = (Resolve-HgRoot),

        # The paths whose uncommitted changes to get.
    $modifiedArg = if( $Modified ) { '--modified' } else { '' }
    $addedArg = if( $Added ) { '--added' } else { '' }
    $removedArg = if( $Removed ) { '--removed' } else { '' }
    $missingArg = if( $Missing ) { '--deleted' } else { '' }
    hg status $modifiedArg $addedArg $removedArg -R $RepoRoot $Path |
        ForEach-Object {
            ($status,$file) = $_ -split ' ',2
            New-Object PsHg.FileStatusInfo $file,$status

Set-Alias -Name 'Get-HgUncommittedChanges' -Value 'Get-HgUncommittedChangeset'
Set-Alias -Name 'hgst' -Value 'Get-HgUncommittedChangeset'
Set-Alias -Name 'ghgunc' -Value 'Get-HgUncommittedChangeset'