
function Merge-HgChangeset
    Merges a revision into the current working directory.
    Invokes Mercurial's merge command to merge a revision into the current working directory.
    If you are running this command interactively, *do not* pipe the output of this command anywhere, or capture it in anyway. If you do, you will hide Mercurial's prompts and the function/Mercurial will hang waiting for user input. Instead, to get the state/result of a merge, call `Get-HgMergeResult` *after* this function completes.
      mghgc, hgmerge
    Merge-HgChangeset -Revision StableBranch
    Merges `StableBranch` into the current working directory.
    Merge-HgChangeset -Revision StableBranch -RepoRoot C:\Projects\psHg
    Merges `StableBranch` into the repository at `C:\Projects\psHg`.
    Merge-HgChangeset -Revision STableBranch -MergeTool 'internal:fail'
    Merges `StableBranch` into the current working directory, using Mercurial's internal `fail` merge tool to fail any merges that take place.

        # The revision to merge. Can be a branch, tag, node, ID, or revset query.
        # Perform a non-interactive merge, i.e. fail if there are any conflicts.
        # The merge tool to use when merging. Passed as the value to the merge command's `--tool` parameter.
        # The path to the repository to merge. Defaults to the current directory.
        $RepoRoot = (Resolve-HgRoot .)

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    if( -not $RepoRoot )
    if( -not (Test-HgRevision -Revision $Revision -RepoRoot $RepoRoot) )
        Write-Error "Revision '$Revision' not found."
    $mergeToolArgName = ''
    $mergeToolArgValue = ''
    if( $pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'WithTool' )
        $mergeToolArgName = '--tool'
        $mergeToolArgValue = $MergeTool
    elseif( $NonInteractive )
        $mergeToolArgName = '--tool'
        $mergeToolArgValue = 'internal:fail'

    $preMergeParent = Get-HgParent -RepoRoot $RepoRoot

    $argumentList = ('merge',$mergeToolArgName,$mergeToolArgValue,'-r',$Revision,'-R',$RepoRoot) | 
                        Where-Object { $_ }
    if( $NonInteractive )
        $argumentList += '--noninteractive'

    $Script:PsHg? = $true
    if( $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess( $RepoRoot, "merge $Revision" ) )
        & 'hg.exe' $argumentList
        $hgExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE
        Write-Verbose -Message ('hg merge exit code: {0}' -f $hgExitCode)
        $Script:PsHg? = ($hgExitCode -eq 0)
        if( $hgExitCode -eq 1 -and $NonInteractive )
            if( $preMergeParent )
                Write-Error ('Reverting non-interactive merge because there were merge conflicts.')
                Update-HgRepository -RepoRoot $RepoRoot -Revision $preMergeParent.Node -Clean -NonInteractive:$NonInteractive
                $Script:PsHg? = $false  # To report that this merge failed.
                Write-Error ('Unable to revert non-interactive merge: I don''t know what my parent revision was before the merge.')

Set-Alias -Name 'Merge-HgRevision' -Value 'Merge-HgChangeset'
Set-Alias -Name 'hgmerge' -Value 'Merge-HgChangeset'
Set-Alias -Name 'mghgc' -Value 'Merge-HgChangeset'