
function New-HgTag
    Creates a new tag.
    Can create a new local tag, a global tag, or update the revision of an existing tag.
    New-HgTag -Name 'BranchBaseline'
    Creates a new tag, `BranchBaseline`, for the revision of the current directory.
    New-HgTag -Name 'BranchBaseline' -Revision 'p1(first(branch(MyBranch)))'
    Demonstrates how to create a tag to a specific revision.
    New-HgTag -Name 'BranchBaseline' -Local
    Demonstrates how to create a local tag.
    New-HgTag -Name 'BranchBaseline' -Force
    Demonstrates how to change the revision a tag points to.

        # The name of the tag.
        # The revision the tag should point to. By default it will point to the revision of the repository's working directory.
        # Creates a local tag.
        # Updates an existing tag to point to a new revision.
        # The commit message to use.
        # The path to the repository to update. By default, the current directory.
        $RepoRoot = (Get-Location)
    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $RepoRoot = Resolve-HgRoot -Path $RepoRoot

    if( -not $RepoRoot )
    $repoRootarg = '-R{0}' -f $RepoRoot

    $revisionArg = ''
    if( $Revision )
        $revisionArg = '-r{0}' -f $Revision
    $localArg = ''
    if( $Local )
        $localArg = '-l'
    $forceArg = ''
    if( $Force )
        $forceArg = '-f'
    $messageArg = ''
    if( $Message )
        $messageArg = '-m{0}' -f $Message
    Write-Verbose ('Tagging changeset ''{0}'' ''{1}'' in {2}.' -f $Revision,$Name,$RepoRoot)
    hg tag $forceArg $localArg $messageArg $revisionArg $Name $repoRootarg | Write-Verbose

    if( $LastExitCode -ne 0 )
        Write-Error ('Failed to create tag ''{0}'': Mercurial exited with code {1}.' -f $Name,$LastExitCode)
    Get-HgTag -Name $Name -RepoRoot $RepoRoot