
function Redo-HgMerge
    Re-merges all unresolved files in a Mercurial repository.
    Runs Mercurial's `resolve` command to re-run merges that have unresolved conflicts.
    Re-merges all files in the current directory that have unresolved conflicts.
    Redo-HgMerge -MergeTool 'internal:local'
    Uses the `internal:local` tool and re-merges all files in the current directory that have unresolved conflicts.

        # The merge tool to use.
        # The path to the repository's root directory. Defaults to the current directory.
        $RepoRoot = ((Get-Location).Path)
    $rRepoRoot = Resolve-HgRoot
    if( -not $rRepoRoot )
    $mergeToolArgName = ''
    $mergeToolArgValue = ''
    if( $MergeTool )
        $mergeToolArgName = '--tool'
        $mergeToolArgValue = $MergeTool
    hg resolve --all $mergeToolArgName $mergeToolArgValue
    if( $LastExitCode )
        Write-Error 'Failed to resolve merge conflicts.'


Set-Alias -Name 'hgresolve' -Value 'Redo-HgMerge'
Set-Alias -Name 'rdhgmg' -Value 'Redo-HgMerge'