
function Remove-HgItem
    Removes an item from a Mercurial repository.
    Given a path, removes the item at that location from its Mercurial repository. Don't forget to commit!
      rhgi, hgremove
    Remove-HgItem C:\Projects\psHg\Test\Test-RemoveHgItem.ps1
    Removes the Test\Test-RemoveHgItem.ps1 file from the psHg repository.
    Remove-HgItem C:\Projects\psHg\Test
    Removes the Test directory from the psHg repository.

        # The files to remove from their repositories.
        # Forces the removal if the item even if it is added or modified.
    $repoRoot = Resolve-HgRoot -Path $Path
    $repoPath = Resolve-HgPath -Path $Path
    if( $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess( $repoRoot, "remove $repoPath" ) )
        Push-Location $repoRoot
            Write-Verbose "Removing $repoPath from repository $Path."
            $forceArg = ''
            if( $Force )
                $forceArg = '--force'
            $errMsg = hg remove $repoPath -R $repoRoot $forceArg 2>&1
            if( $LastExitCode )
                Write-Error $errMsg

Set-Alias -Name 'hgremove' -Value 'Remove-HgItem'
Set-Alias -Name 'rhgi' -Value 'Remove-HgItem'