
function Test-HgIncomingChangeset
    Tests if there are incoming changesets for a repository.
    Incoming changes can be dectected across the entire repository or on specific branches via the `Branch` parameter. If there are any incoming changesets, returns `True`. `False` otherwise.
    Returns `True` if there are any incoming changesets in the repository in the current working directory. `False` if there are no incoming changesets.
    Test-HgINcomingChangesets -Branch Stable
    Returns `True` if there are any incoming changesets in the `Stable` branch in the current directory's repository. `False` if there are no incoming changesets.
    Test-HgIncomingChangesets -RepoRoot C:\Projects\PsHg
    Returns `True` if there are any incoming changesets in the `C:\Projects\PsHg` repository. `False` if there are no incoming changesets.

        # Tests for incoming chnagesets on a specific branch.
        # The source/remote repository to check for incoming changes.
        $RepoRoot = (Get-Location)
    $rRepoRoot = Resolve-HgRoot -Path $RepoRoot
    if( -not $rRepoRoot )
    Push-Location $rRepoRoot
        if( -not $Source -and -not (Test-HgDefaultPath -Incoming) )
            Write-Warning ('Repository {0}''s default path setting not found.' -f $rRepoRoot)
        $revisionArg = ''
        if( $Revision )
            $revisionArg = '-r{0}' -f $Revision

        $preErrCount = $Global:Error.Count
            [string[]]$incoming = hg incoming --template '{node|short}\n' $revisionArg $Source 2>$null |
                                    Where-Object { $_ -match '^[0-9a-f]{12}$' }
            return ( $incoming.Count -gt 0 )
            $numErrors = $Global:Error.Count - $preErrCount
            for( $idx = 0; $idx -lt $numErrors; ++$idx )

Set-Alias -Name 'Test-HgIncomingChangesets' -Value 'Test-HgIncomingChangeset'
Set-Alias -Name 'thginc' -Value 'Test-HgIncomingChangeset'