
function Test-HgOutgoingChangeset
    Tests if there are any outgoing changes that can be pushed.
    Uses the `Get-HgOutgoingChangeset` function to retrieve any outgoing changes. If there are any, `$true` is returned. Otherwise, `$false`.
    Checks the repository in the current directory and returns `$true` if it has any outgoing changes, `$false` otherwise.
    Test-HgOutgoingChangeset -RepoRoot C:\Projects\PsHg
    Checks the repository at `C:\Projects\PsHg` if it has any outgoing/unpushed changes.
    Test-HgOutgoingChangeset -Revision stable
    Checks if there are any outgoing changes on the `stable` branch.

        # The revision to check for outgoing changes.

        # Specifies an explicit repository
        # The repository to check. Defaults to the current directory.
        $RepoRoot = ((Get-Location).Path)
    $rRepoRoot = Resolve-HgRoot -Path $RepoRoot
    if( -not $rRepoRoot )
    Push-Location $rRepoRoot
        if( -not (Test-HgDefaultPath -Outgoing) )
            Write-Warning ('Repository {0}''s default path setting (paths.default or paths.default-push) not found.' -f $rRepoRoot)
        $revisionArg = @{ }
        if( $Revision )
            $revisionArg.Revision = $Revision

        if ( $Destination )
            $revisionArg.Destination = $Destination
        if( (Get-HgOutgoingChangeset @revisionArg) )
            return $true
            return $false

Set-Alias -Name 'thgoutc' -Value 'Test-HgOutgoingChangeset'