
function Test-HgUncommittedChangeset
    Tests if there are any uncommitted changes in a repository.
    Checks if there are any modified, added, or removed files in the current directory so that you don't get Mercurial's "abort: uncommitted changes" error message.
    Returns `True` if there are any uncommitted changes in the current directory. `False` otherwise.
    Test-HgUncommittedChanges -RepoRoot c:\Projects\psHg
    Returns `True` if there are any uncommitted changes in the `C:\Projects\psHg` directory. `False` otherwise.

        # The path to the repository to check. Defaults to the current directory.
        $RepoRoot = (Resolve-HgRoot),
        # The path to check for uncommitted changes.
    $getArgs = @{ }
    if( $Path )
        $getArgs.Path = $Path
    $uncommittedChanges = Get-HgUncommittedChanges -Added -Modified -Removed -Missing -RepoRoot $RepoRoot @getArgs
    if( $uncommittedChanges ) 

Set-Alias -Name 'Test-HgUncommittedChanges' -Value 'Test-HgUncommittedChangeset'
Set-Alias -Name 'thgunc' -Value 'Test-HgUncommittedChangeset'