
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
Function Remove-IniEntry {
        Removes specified content from an INI file
        Removes specified keys in all sections or certain sections.
        The ini source can be specified by a file or piped in by the result of Get-IniContent.
        The modified content is returned as a ordered dictionary hashtable and can be piped to a file with Out-IniFile.
        Author : Sean Seymour <> based on work by Oliver Lipkau <>
        Source :
        Version : 1.0.0 - 2016/08/18 - SS - Initial release
                    : 1.0.1 - 2016/12/29 - SS - Removed need for delimiters by making Sections and Keys string arrays.
        #Requires -Version 2.0
    .Parameter FilePath
        Specifies the path to the input file.
    .Parameter InputObject
        Specifies the Hashtable to be modified. Enter a variable that contains the objects or type a command or expression that gets the objects.
    .Parameter Keys
        String array of one or more keys to limit the changes to, separated by a comma. Optional.
    .Parameter Sections
        String array of one or more sections to limit the changes to, separated by a comma.
        Surrounding section names with square brackets is not necessary but is supported.
        Ini keys that do not have a defined section can be modified by specifying '_' (underscore) for the section.
        $ini = Remove-IniEntry -FilePath "C:\myinifile.ini" -Sections 'Printers' -Keys 'Headers','Version'
        Reads in the INI File c:\myinifile.ini, removes any keys named 'Headers' or 'Version' in the [Printers] section, and saves the modified ini to $ini.
        Remove-IniEntry -FilePath "C:\myinifile.ini" -Sections 'Terminals','Monitors' -Keys 'Updated' | Out-IniFile "C:\myinifile.ini" -Force
        Reads in the INI File c:\myinifile.ini and removes any keys named 'Updated' in the [Terminals] and [Monitors] sections.
        The ini is then piped to Out-IniFile to write the INI File to c:\myinifile.ini. If the file is already present it will be overwritten.
        Get-IniContent "C:\myinifile.ini" | Remove-IniEntry -Keys 'Headers' | Out-IniFile "C:\myinifile.ini" -Force
        Reads in the INI File c:\myinifile.ini using Get-IniContent, which is then piped to Remove-IniEntry to remove any 'Headers' keys in any
        section. The ini is then piped to Out-IniFile to write the INI File to c:\myinifile.ini. If the file is already present it will be overwritten.
        Get-IniContent "C:\myinifile.ini" | Remove-IniEntry -Sections 'Terminals' | Out-IniFile "C:\myinifile.ini" -Force
        Reads in the INI File c:\myinifile.ini using Get-IniContent, which is then piped to Remove-IniEntry to remove the 'Terminals' section.
        The ini is then piped to Out-IniFile to write the INI File to c:\myinifile.ini. If the file is already present it will be overwritten.
        Get-IniContent "C:\myinifile.ini" | Remove-IniEntry -Keys 'Updated' -Sections '_' | Out-IniFile "C:\myinifile.ini" -Force
        Reads in the INI File c:\myinifile.ini using Get-IniContent, which is then piped to Remove-IniEntry to remove any 'Updated' keys that
        are orphaned, i.e. not specifically in a section. The ini is then piped to Out-IniFile to write the INI File to c:\myinifile.ini.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "File")]




        Write-Debug "PsBoundParameters:"
        $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { Write-Debug $_ }
        if ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' }
        Write-Debug "DebugPreference: $DebugPreference"
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Function started"
    # Remove the specified keys in the list, either in the specified section or in all sections.
        # Get the ini from either a file or object passed in.
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'File') { $content = Get-IniContent $FilePath }
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Object') { $content = $InputObject }

        if (!$Keys -and !$Sections)
            Write-Verbose ("No sections or keys provided, exiting.")
            return $content

        # Specific section(s) were requested.
        if ($Sections)
            foreach ($section in $Sections)
                # Get rid of whitespace and section brackets.
                $section = $section.Trim() -replace '[][]',''

                Write-Debug ("Processing '{0}' section." -f $section)

                # If the user wants to remove an entire section, there will be a section specified but no keys.
                if (!$Keys)
                    Write-Verbose ("Deleting entire section '{0}'." -f $section)
                    foreach ($key in $Keys)
                        Write-Debug ("Processing '{0}' key." -f $key)

                        $key = $key.Trim()

                        if ($content[$section]) { $currentValue = $content[$section][$key] }
                            Write-Verbose ("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: '{0}' section does not exist." -f $section)
                            # Break out of the loop after this, because we don't want to check further keys for this non-existent section.

                        if ($currentValue)
                            Write-Verbose ("Removing {0} key from {1} section." -f $key, $section)
                        else { Write-Verbose ("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: '{0}' key does not exist." -f $key) }
        else # No section supplied, go through the entire ini since changes apply to all sections.
            foreach ($item in $content.GetEnumerator())
                $section = $item.key
                Write-Debug ("Processing '{0}' section." -f $section)

                foreach ($key in $Keys)
                    $key = $key.Trim()
                    Write-Debug ("Processing '{0}' key." -f $key)

                    if ($content[$section][$key])
                        Write-Verbose ("Removing {0} key from {1} section." -f $key, $section)
                    else { Write-Verbose ("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: '{0}' key does not exist in {1} section." -f $key, $section) }

        return $content
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):: Function ended"

Set-Alias rie Remove-IniEntry