
Function Remove-LANDeskComputerFromScheduledTask 
            The Remove-LANDeskComputerFromScheduledTask function removes the specified computer from the specified LANDesk task.
            The Remove-LANDeskComputerFromScheduledTask function removes the specified computer from the specified LANDesk task. Requires the ID number of the task to check which can be found by right-clicking task, selecting info, and copying the number in the ID field. Requires the DeviceName of the target computer.
        .PARAMETER ComputerName
            The ComputerName or DeviceName of the target computer to remove from the scheduled task.
            The ID of the task to remove the computer from.
            Remove-LANDeskComputerFromScheduledTask -ID 877 -ComputerName "THATPC"
            Removes the computer named THATPC from the task with a task ID of 877 (LAAWorkStationAgent)
            Returns a Boolean as output.
             Get-LANDeskComputer -Filter {$_.ComputerName -like "*lt*"} | Remove-LANDeskComputerFromScheduledTask -Id 877
            Removes all of the computers that have a name with lt in it from the task with an ID of 877. (LAAWorkStationAgent)

        [alias("Device Name")]
            Write-Warning -Message "An active connection to the LANDesk Web Service was not found. Please run Connect-LANDeskServer before any other functions."
        If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$ComputerName","Removing computer from LANDesk scheduled task ID $($ID)"))