
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type servicebus
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the Namespace
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on the Managed Identity authentication
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the ConnectionName property

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ManagedIdentity.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ManagedIdentity.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {
    $found = $false

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {

        if ($ -like "*managedApis/servicebus*") {
            $found = $true

            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"

            $sbObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.SB.Managed.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            $sbObj.Name = $_.Value.connectionName
            $ = $_.Value.connectionName

            $nsPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Parm_Prefix -Suffix "_Namespace" -Value "$($_.Name)"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$nsPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "" `
                -Description "The name of the servicebus namespace. ($($_.Name))"

            $ = $"'##NAMESPACE##'", "parameters('$nsPreSuf')")

            $armObj.resources += $sbObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            if ($($_.Value.connectionName) -match "\[(.*)\]") {
                $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', $($Matches[1]))]"
            else {
                $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', '$($_.Value.connectionName)')]"

    if ($found) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj