
Get action from the object, filtered by the type of the action
Get actions and all nested actions, filtered by type
.PARAMETER InputObject
The object that you want to work against
Will by analyzed to see if it has nested actions, and will be recursively traversed to fetch all actions
The action type that will be outputted
PS C:\> Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $obj -Type "Http"
Will traverse the $obj and filter actions to only output the ones of the type Http
Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-ActionsByType {
    param (
        [PsCustomObject] $InputObject,

        [string] $Type
    if ($InputObject.Type -eq $Type -or $InputObject.Value.Type -eq $Type) {

    if ($InputObject.Value.actions) {
        foreach ($item in $InputObject.Value.actions.PsObject.Properties) {
            Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $item -Type $Type
    elseif ($InputObject.actions) {
        foreach ($item in $InputObject.actions.PsObject.Properties) {
            Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $item -Type $Type