
Get tasks that are part of the module
List all avaiable tasks that are part of the module, to be used for exporting, sanitizing and converting a LogicApp into a deployable ARM template
Used to filter the number of tasks down to only being part of the category that you are looking for
Instruct the cmdlet to output the details about the tasks in a more detailed fashion, makes it easier to read the descriptions for each task
PS C:\> Get-PsLaTask
List all available tasks
Output example:
Category Name Description
-------- ---- -----------
Arm Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsParameter Loops all $connections childs…
Arm Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsVariable Loops all $connections childs…
Arm Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.IdFormatted Loops all $connections childs…
Arm Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Simple.AsParameter.AsVariable Creates an Arm variable: integrationAccount…
PS C:\> Get-PsLaTask -Category Converter
List all available tasks, which are in the Converter category
Output example:
Category Name Description
-------- ---- -----------
Converter ConvertTo-Arm Converts the LogicApp json structure into a valid ARM template json
Converter ConvertTo-Raw Converts the raw LogicApp json structure into the a valid LogicApp json,…
PS C:\> Get-PsLaTask -Detailed
List all available tasks, and outputs it in the detailed view
Output example:
Category : Arm
Name : Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsParameter
Description : Loops all $connections childs
              -Creates an Arm parameter, with prefix & suffix
              --Sets the default value to the original name, extracted from connectionId property
              -Sets the connectionId to: [resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('XYZ'))]
              -Sets the connectionName to: [parameters('XYZ')]
Category : Arm
Name : Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsVariable
Description : Loops all $connections childs
              -Creates an Arm variable, with prefix & suffix
              --Sets the value to the original name, extracted from connectionId property
              -Sets the connectionId to: [resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', variables('XYZ'))]
              -Sets the connectionName to: [variables('XYZ')]
Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-PsLaTask {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Arm', 'Converter', 'Exporter', 'Raw')]
        [string] $Category,

        [switch] $Detailed

    $res = Get-PsLaTaskByPath -Path "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\internal\tasks" | Where-Object Category -like "*$Category*" | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Path

    if ($Detailed) {
        $res | Format-List
    else {