
        Create valid runbook file based on the task passed as inputs
        Helps you build a valid runbook file, based on all the individual tasks that are passed as inputs
        This makes it easy to get a starting point for a new runbook file, based on the tasks you have build in your array and then passes into the cmdlet
        Tasks are expected to be the ones that are part of the module
        Names of the tasks that you want to be part of your runbook file
        Supports array of task names
        Names of the different tasks are expected to be the ones that are part of the module
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        Id of the subscription that you want to work against
        At runtime / execution of Invoke-PsLaExtractor - your current powershell / az cli session either needs to "connected" to the subscription or at least have permissions to work against the subscription
        Useful when you know upfront what you want to work against, as you don't need to pass the parameter into the Invoke-PsLaExtractor
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroup
        Name of the resource group that you want to work against
        At runtime / execution of Invoke-PsLaExtractor - your current powershell / az cli session needs to have permissions to work against the resource group
        Useful when you know upfront what you want to work against, as you don't need to pass the parameter into the Invoke-PsLaExtractor
        Name of the logic app, that you want to work against
        At runtime / execution of Invoke-PsLaExtractor - your current powershell / az cli session needs to have permissions to work against the logic app
        Useful when you know upfront what you want to work against, as you don't need to pass the parameter into the Invoke-PsLaExtractor
    .PARAMETER OutputPath
        Path to were the runbook file will be persisted
        The path has to be a directory
        The runbook file will be named: PsLaExtractor.default.psakefile.ps1
    .PARAMETER IncludePrefixSuffix
        Instruct the cmdlet to add the different prefix and suffix options, with the default values that comes with the module
        This make it easier to make the runbook file work across different environments, without having to worry about prepping different prefix and suffix value prior
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByTask -Task "Export-LogicApp.AzCli","ConvertTo-Raw","ConvertTo-Arm"
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Will write the include and taskList in the mentioned order of the tasks
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByTask -Task "Export-LogicApp.AzCli","ConvertTo-Raw","ConvertTo-Arm" -SubscriptionId "f5608f3d-ab28-49d8-9b4e-1b1f812d12e0" -ResourceGroup "TestRg"
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Will write the include and taskList in the mentioned order of the tasks
        Prepares the Properties object with SubscriptionId and ResourceGroup
        Useful if you have multiple logic apps in the same resource group and you want them extracted using the same runbook file
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByTask -Task "Export-LogicApp.AzCli","ConvertTo-Raw","ConvertTo-Arm" -SubscriptionId "f5608f3d-ab28-49d8-9b4e-1b1f812d12e0" -ResourceGroup "TestRg" -Name "TestLogicApp"
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Will write the include and taskList in the mentioned order of the tasks
        Prepares the Properties object with SubscriptionId and ResourceGroup and Name
        Useful if you want to have a ready to run runbook file, that makes it simple to run the command again and again
        Great for iterative work, where you make lots of small changes in the logic app and want to see how the changes affect your ARM template
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByTask -Task "Export-LogicApp.AzCli","ConvertTo-Raw","ConvertTo-Arm" -OutputPath c:\temp\PsLaRunbooks
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Will write the include and taskList in the mentioned order of the tasks
        Outputs the build to c:\temp\PsLaRunbooks
        The runbook file is default named: PsLaExtractor.default.psakefile.ps1
        PS C:\> New-PsLaRunbookByTask -Task "Export-LogicApp.AzCli","ConvertTo-Raw","ConvertTo-Arm" -IncludePrefixSuffix
        Creates a valid runbook file, based on the bare minimum and with sane default values
        Will write the include and taskList in the mentioned order of the tasks
        The Properties object inside the runbook file, will be pre-populated with the default prefix and suffix values from the module
        This make it easier to make the runbook file work across different environments, without having to worry about prepping different prefix and suffix value prior
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function New-PsLaRunbookByTask {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string[]] $Task,
        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [string] $ResourceGroup,

        [string] $Name,

        [string] $OutputPath,

        [switch] $IncludePrefixSuffix
    $res = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]

    $res.AddRange($(Get-BuildHeader -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -Name $Name -IncludePrefixSuffix:$IncludePrefixSuffix))

    $res.Add("# Array to hold all tasks for the default task")
    $res.Add('$listTasks = @()')


    $list = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
    foreach ($item in $Task) {
        $list.Add("`$listTasks += `"$item`"")

    $res.Add("# Default tasks, the via the dependencies will run all tasks")
    $res.Add('Task -Name "default" -Depends $listTasks')
    if ($OutputPath) {
        New-Item -Path $OutputPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore > $null

        $path = Join-Path -Path $OutputPath -ChildPath "PsLaExtractor.default.psakefile.ps1"

        $encoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($true)
        [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($path, $($res.ToArray() -join "`r`n"), $encoding)

        Get-Item -Path $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    else {
        $res.ToArray() -join "`r`n"