
function Invoke-SqlCmd
    Executes SQLCMD
    Wrapper tp the commandline tool SQLCMD.
    It provides parameter validation, output and error handling.
    Check and if one of them already supports your use case. They provide better PowerShell integration.

        # Path to the executed SQL script file.
        [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='File' )]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.Exists })]
        [System.IO.FileInfo] $InputFile,

        # Executed SQL script source.
        [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Command' )]
        [string] $Command,

        # Name of the SQL Server Instance.
        [Parameter( Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )]
        [string] $ServerInstance,

        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )]
        [PSCredential] $DatabaseCredential,

        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )]
        [PSCredential] $WindowsCredential,

        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )]
        [string] $AccessToken,

        # Name fo the SQL Database.
        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )]
        [string] $DatabaseName,

        # Minimum event severity to include in output.
        [ValidateRange(-1, 30)]
        [int] $ErrorLevel = 0,

        # Minimum event severity to interpret as error.
        [ValidateRange(-1, 30)]
        [int] $ErrorSeverityLevel = 10,

        # Flag if a error must terminate the execution.
        [switch] $TerminateOnError,

        # Timeout in seconds for the execution.
        [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )]
        [int] $Timeout,

        # Values for variables, used in the script.
        [hashtable] $Variables

    # soon...
    # Write-Warning 'This cmdlet is deprecated use PsSqlClient or PsSmo instead'

    if ( -not $Global:SqlCmd ) {
        throw "SqlCmd is not inizialized. Please run Initialize-SqlCmd."

    $arguments = @()

    [string] $script = $null
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        File {
            $arguments += "-i ""$InputFile"""
            $script = $InputFile
        Command {
            $arguments += "-Q ""$Command"""
            $script = $Command

    if ( $DatabaseName ) {
        $arguments += "-d ""$DatabaseName"""

    $Credential = $null
    if ( $DatabaseCredential ) {
        $Credential = $DatabaseCredential
    if ( $WindowsCredential ) {
        $Credential = $WindowsCredential

    if ( $Credential ) {
        Write-Verbose "use credential-based authentication."
        $arguments += "-U $( $Credential.UserName )"

        if ( $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ) {
            $arguments += "-P $( $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password )"

    if ( $AccessToken ) {
        Write-Verbose "use token-based authentication."
        $arguments += "-P $AccessToken"

    if ( $ServerInstance ) {
        $arguments += "-S ""$ServerInstance"""

        if ( $ServerInstance.Contains( '' ) -and -not $DatabaseCredential ) {
            Write-Verbose "use azure active directory."
            $arguments += "-G" # use Azure Active Directory authentication

    if ( $Timeout ) {
        $arguments += "-t $Timeout"

    $arguments += "-X"
    $arguments += "-m$ErrorLevel"
    $arguments += "-V $ErrorSeverityLevel"
    if ( $TerminateOnError ) {
        $arguments += "-b"
    foreach ( $variable in $Variables.Keys ) {
        $arguments += "-v $variable=""$( $Variables[$variable] )"""

    #region Prepare process

    $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process

    $process.StartInfo.FileName = $Global:SqlCmd
    $process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
    $process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
    $process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
    $process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = $true
    $process.StartInfo.Arguments = $arguments


    if ( $process.StartInfo.Arguments -notlike '*-P *' ) {
        Write-Verbose "$( $process.StartInfo.FileName ) $( $process.StartInfo.Arguments )"

    #region Start process

    $outputBuffer = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
    $errorBuffer = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

    $oScripBlock = {
        if (! [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($EventArgs.Data)) {
            Write-Verbose $EventArgs.Data

    $eScripBlock = {
        if (! [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($EventArgs.Data)) {
            Write-Warning $EventArgs.Data

    try {

        $outputEvent = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $process `
            -Action $oScripBlock -EventName 'OutputDataReceived' `
            -MessageData $outputBuffer

        $errorEvent = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $process `
            -Action $eScripBlock -EventName 'ErrorDataReceived' `
            -MessageData $errorBuffer

        $process.Start() | Out-Null

        $timeoutMS = ($Timeout + 5 ) * 1000
        if ( -not $Timeout ) {
            $returnCode = $process.ExitCode
        } elseif ( $process.WaitForExit( $timeoutMS ) )
            $returnCode = $process.ExitCode
        } elseif ( $process.HasExited )
            $returnCode = $process.ExitCode
            Write-Verbose "Invoke-SqlCmd: Timeout $Timeout reached."
            $returnCode = -1
    finally {
        Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $outputEvent.Name
        Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $errorEvent.Name

    #region handle result

    $standardOutput = $outputBuffer.ToString().Trim()
    $standardError = $errorBuffer.ToString().Trim()

    $process.Close() | Out-Null

    if ( $standardOutput -contains 'Timeout expired' ) {
        Write-Verbose "Invoke-SqlCmd: Timeout $Timeout reached."
        $returnCode = -1

    if ( $returnCode -ne 0 )
        Write-Verbose "Invoke-SqlCmd: '$script' Output $( $standardOutput.Length ), Error $( $standardError.Length ) chars"
        # Write-Verbose $standardOutput
        throw "SqlCmd exit code $returnCode; out: '$standardOutput'; err: '$standardError'."
