
    Initiates connection details for executing commands against the specified SysPassServer.
    Initiates connection details for executing commands against the specified SysPassServer. Requires a URI to the
    syspass server and a credential object representing the authentication token and token password.
    Connect-SysPass -URI "" -Token (Get-Credential "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffff")
    Sets the $global:__SysPassGlobal variable with connection info for accessing the SysPass server

function Connect-SysPass {
    param (
        # URI of syspass web site (eg: https://syspass.local.domain/syspass)
        [string] $URI,

        # Token id and password
        [pscredential] $Token

    begin {


    process {
        $global:__SysPassGlobal = @{
            uri = $URI
            token = $Token

    end {
