
    Search for SysPass Clients
    Search for SysPass Clients
    id name description hash isGlobal
    -- ---- ----------- ---- --------
    1 Client 0
    2 CSSD Service Desk 0
    Find-SysPassCient -Regex "^C.*"
    id name description hash isGlobal
    -- ---- ----------- ---- --------
    1 Client 0
    2 CSSD Service Desk 0

function Find-SysPassClient {
    param (
        # Credential object containing the API token and token password to use for this request. If not specified, this cmdlet will look for the value set by Connect-SysPass.
        [pscredential] $AuthToken,

        # The regex text to search for. If null or empty, then all accounts will be returned
        [string] $Regex = ".*",

        # The number of results to display
        [int] $Count = [int]::MaxValue

    begin {


    process {
        $params = @{}

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AuthToken")) {
            $params["authToken"] = $AuthToken.UserName

        clientsearch @params | Where-Object {$ -match $Regex} | Select-Object -First $Count

    end {
