
#Region './Classes/1.class1.ps1' 0
class Class1
    [string]$Name = 'Class1'

        #default Constructor

    [String] ToString()
        # Typo "calss" is intentional
        return ( 'This calss is {0}' -f $this.Name)
#EndRegion './Classes/1.class1.ps1' 16
#Region './Classes/2.class2.ps1' 0
class Class2
    [string]$Name = 'Class2'

        #default constructor

    [String] ToString()
        return ( 'This calss is {0}' -f $this.Name)
#EndRegion './Classes/2.class2.ps1' 15
#Region './Classes/3.class11.ps1' 0
class Class11 : Class1
    [string]$Name = 'Class11'

    Class11 ()

    [String] ToString()
        return ( 'This calss is {0}:{1}' -f $this.Name,'class1')
#EndRegion './Classes/3.class11.ps1' 14
#Region './Classes/4.class12.ps1' 0
class Class12 : Class1
    [string]$Name = 'Class12'

    Class12 ()

    [String] ToString()
        return ( 'This calss is {0}:{1}' -f $this.Name,'class1')
#EndRegion './Classes/4.class12.ps1' 14
#Region './Public/Add-PstTime.ps1' 0
Adds a chunk of time to the day so far.

Adds a chunk of time to the day so far.

The client to add time to.

The project to add time to.

The number of minutes to add.

If provided this will be added to the day summary.

PS> Add-PstTime -Client ClientA -Project BigProject -Minutes 60

Adds 60 mins to the day so far for ClientA - BigProject.


function Add-PstTime {
    param (





    Write-host ('Adding {0} minutes for {1} - {2}' -f $Minutes, $Client, $Project)

    [Array]$TodaysWork = Restore-Pstday

    $Addtime = $Client | Select-Object  @{l='Client';e={$Client}},@{l='Project';e={$Project}},@{l='StartTime';e={$StartTime}}, @{l='Elapsed';e={New-TimeSpan -Minutes $Minutes}}
    $Addtime | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String | Write-Host  -ForegroundColor White
    $TodaysWork += $AddTime

    # backup the day so far just in case
    Backup-PstDay -TodaysWork $TodaysWork

    # Output day summary

#EndRegion './Public/Add-PstTime.ps1' 55
#Region './Public/Backup-PstDay.ps1' 0
Backups the day so far to a json file in the local appdata folder.

backups the day so far to a json file in the local appdata folder.

This is used to restore the day so far if the script is closed.

The day so far to backup.

PS> Backup-PstDay -TodaysWork $TodaysWork

Backups the day so far to a json file in the local appdata folder.


function Backup-PstDay {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory)]
    $folder = Join-Path $env:localappdata 'PstTimeTracker'

    if (!(Test-Path $folder)) {
        New-Item $folder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null

    if($TodaysWork) {

        $fileName = Join-Path $folder ('todayswork-{0}.json' -f (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd'))
        $TodaysWork | Select-Object Client, Project, StartTime, @{l='ElapsedTotalSeconds';e={$_.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}} | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $fileName

    # remove json files older than 10 days
    Get-ChildItem $folder *.json | where-object lastWriteTime -lt (get-date).AddDays(-10) | Remove-Item
#EndRegion './Public/Backup-PstDay.ps1' 39
#Region './Public/Get-PstDaySummary.ps1' 0
Gets the day summary.

Gets the day summary.

If a date is provided it will restore the day so far from the json file in the local appdata folder and display the summary.

If provided this will restore the specified day from the json file in the local appdata folder and display the summary.

PS> Get-PstDaySummary

This will display the day summary for the day so far.

PS> Get-PstDaySummary -date 2023-01-01

This will restore the json from the local appdata folder for 2023-01-01 and display the summary.


function Get-PstDaySummary {
    param (

    if($date) {
        $RestoredWork = Restore-PstDay -date $date

        [Array]$results = $RestoredWork | Group-Object Client, Project | Select-Object Name, @{l='Total';e={New-TimeSpan -Seconds (($_.Group.Elapsed.TotalSeconds | Measure-Object -sum ).sum)}}
        $results += [PSCustomObject]@{
            Name = '===Total'
            Total = New-TimeSpan -Seconds ($RestoredWork | Select-Object @{l='TotalSecs';e={$_.elapsed.TotalSeconds}} | Measure-object -Property TotalSecs -Sum).Sum
        $results | Out-String | Write-Host  -ForegroundColor White

    } else {
        $TodaysWork = Restore-PstDay

        if($TodaysWork) {

            Write-Host '--------------------------' -ForegroundColor DarkGreen -BackgroundColor White
            Write-Host 'So far today: ' -ForegroundColor DarkGreen -BackgroundColor White
            Write-Host '--------------------------' -ForegroundColor DarkGreen -BackgroundColor White

            [Array]$results = $TodaysWork | Group-Object Client, Project | Select-Object Name, @{l='Total';e={New-TimeSpan -Seconds (($_.Group.Elapsed.TotalSeconds | Measure-Object -sum ).sum)}}
            $results += [PSCustomObject]@{
                Name = '===Total'
                Total = New-TimeSpan -Seconds ($TodaysWork | Select-Object @{l='TotalSecs';e={$_.elapsed.TotalSeconds}} | Measure-object -Property TotalSecs -Sum).Sum
            $results | Out-String | Write-Host  -ForegroundColor White
        } else {
            Write-Host 'Nothing recorded yet...' -ForegroundColor DarkRed -BackgroundColor White

#EndRegion './Public/Get-PstDaySummary.ps1' 60
#Region './Public/Restore-PstDay.ps1' 0
Restores the day so far from the json file in the local appdata folder.

Restores the day so far from the json file in the local appdata folder.

This is used to restore the day so far if the script is closed.

If provided this will restore the specified day from the json file in the local appdata folder.

PS> Restore-PstDay

This will restore the day so far from the json file in the local appdata folder.

PS> Restore-PstDay -date 2023-01-01

This will restore the json from the local appdata folder for 2023-01-01.


function Restore-PstDay {
    param (
        $date = (Get-Date).Date

    $folder = Join-Path $env:localappdata 'PstTimeTracker'

    $fileName = Join-Path $folder ('todayswork-{0}.json' -f (Get-Date($date) -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd'))

    if (Test-Path $fileName) {

        Get-Content $fileName | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object Client, Project, StartTime, @{l='Elapsed';e={New-TimeSpan -Seconds $_.ElapsedTotalSeconds}}
#EndRegion './Public/Restore-PstDay.ps1' 38
#Region './Public/Start-PstDay.ps1' 0
Starts the day.

Starts the day.

Restore the day so far from the json file in the local appdata folder if it exists.

PS> Start-PstDay

This will start the day and restore the day so far from the json file in the local appdata folder if it exists.


function Start-PstDay {

    [Array]$TodaysWork = Restore-PstDay

#EndRegion './Public/Start-PstDay.ps1' 21
#Region './Public/Start-PstTimer.ps1' 0
Starts a timer for a client and project.

Starts a timer for a client and project.

Client to track time against.

Project to track time against.

PS> Start-PstTimer -Client ClientA -Project BigProject

This will start a timer for ClientA - BigProject.


function Start-PstTimer {
    param (


    $startTime = (Get-Date)

    $timer = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch

    [Array]$TodaysWork = Restore-PstDay

    if($TodaysWork) {
        # Output day summary

    $null = Read-host ('Working on {0} - {1}, since {2} - Press any key to stop?' -f $Client, $Project, $startTime)


    Write-Host '--------------------------' -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta -BackgroundColor White
    Write-Host 'Just worked on: ' -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta -BackgroundColor White
    Write-Host '--------------------------' -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta -BackgroundColor White

    $Addtime = $timer | Select-Object  @{l='Client';e={$Client}},@{l='Project';e={$Project}},@{l='StartTime';e={$startTime}},  Elapsed
    $Addtime | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String | Write-Host  -ForegroundColor White
    $TodaysWork += $AddTime

    # backup the day so far just in case
    Backup-PstDay -TodaysWork $TodaysWork

    # Output day summary

#EndRegion './Public/Start-PstTimer.ps1' 59