
    Tests a todo priority.
    Tests to ensure that the priority is valid.
    Author : Paul Broadwith (
    History : 1.0 - 28/09/15 - Initial version
    A valid priority is a single character string that is between A and Z.
    TODO : Might be easier to this via a regular expression.
    The priority to test.
    Whether the priority is correct. Output type is [bool]
    Test-TodoPriority "N"
    Tests to see if the priority "N" is valid and outputs $true or $false.

function Test-TodoTxtPriority
    Param (

    # ensure priority is one character long, is a letter between A and Z
    $Priority = $Priority.ToUpper()
    ($Priority.CompareTo("A") -ge 0) -and ($Priority.CompareTo("Z") -le 0) -and ($Priority.Length -eq 1)