
Replaces tokens in a block of text with a specified value.
Replaces tokens in a block of text with a specified value.
.PARAMETER template
The block of text that contains text and tokens to be replaced.
Token name/value hashtable.
 $content = Get-Content .\template.txt | Merge-Tokens -tokens @{FirstName: 'foo'; LastName: 'bar'}
Pass template to function via pipeline.

function Merge-Tokens() {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [String] $template,

        [HashTable] $tokens

    begin { Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)::Begin" }

    process {
        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)::Process" 

        # adapted based on this Stackoverflow answer:
        try {

            [regex]::Replace( $template, '__(?<tokenName>[\w\.]+)__', {
              # __TOKEN__

              $tokenName = $match.Groups['tokenName'].Value
              Write-Debug $tokenName
              $tokenValue = Invoke-Expression "`$tokens.$tokenName"
              Write-Debug $tokenValue

              if ($tokenValue) {
                # there was a value; return it
                return $tokenValue
              else {
                # non-matching token; return token
                return $match

        catch {
            Write-Error $_


    end { Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)::End" }


Set-Alias mt Merge-Tokens