
        TEST TDD RDS
        While ($true) {$test = Invoke-Pester -CodeCoverage .\RDS.Tests.ps1 -PassThru; $test.FailedCount; start-sleep -s 15}


        Alopez 2017
        Em@il :

        Get-ChildItem C:\Users\alopez\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester\ -Recurse | Unblock-File

$psd1 = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source -replace ('\.Tests\.ps1', '.psd1')
$psd1 | Import-Module -Force
 #Get-ChildItem $("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)\RDS.Tests.ps1" -replace('\.Tests\.ps1', '*.psm1')) | %{Import-Module $_.FullName -Force}
 function global:Write-LogStep {}
 function global:Write-Color {}
 Describe "Module - Testing Manifest File (.psd1)" {
    Context "Manifest" {
        It "Test-ModuleManifest $psd1" {
            {Test-ModuleManifest $psd1 -ea Stop} | Should -not -Throw
        $Manifest = Test-ModuleManifest $psd1 -ea 0
        It "Manifest Version" {
            $Manifest.Version -ge [version]'' | Should -BeTrue
        It "Manifest commands" {
            $Manifest.ExportedCommands.count | Should -not -BeNullOrEmpty
Describe "Write-* real test" {
    $global:JENKINS = $false
    Context "Console Mode" {
        $psd1 | Import-Module -Force
        function Global:Write-Host($Object) { $Object }

        #Mock Write-Host {$true}
        It "Write-Host" {
            write-host 'test' | Should -Be 'test'
        It "Write-color" {
           ( write-color 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 -fore red,cyan) -join('') | Should -Be '0123456'
        It "Write-logstep ok" {
            (write-logstep '0,1,2,3','4,5' ok ) -join('') | Should -Match "\[ OK \] .*"
        It "Write-logstep error" {
            (write-logstep '0,1,2,3','4,5',6 error ) -join('') | Should -Match "\[ Error! \] .*"
        It "Write-logstep Other" {
            (write-logstep '0,1,2,3','4,5',6 Other -LogTrace .\fake.txt ) -join('') | Should -Match "\[ Other\? \] .*"
        It "Write-logstep info" {
            (write-logstep '0,1,2,3','4,5',6 info -LogTrace vdiv03 ) -join('') | Should -Match "\[ Info \] .*"
        It "Write-logstep long warn" {
            (write-logstep 'Try with long title for cut it ','Try with long message for cut it' -prefixe '%caller% L.%line%' warn ) -join('') | Should -Match "\[ Warn \] .*"
        It "Write-Object" {
            (write-Object @{x='0,1,2,3'} -fore red ) -join('') | Should -Match "`"x`": `"0,1,2,3`""
        It "Write-Center" {
            (write-Center 'center' -fore black ) -join('') | Should -Match " *center *"
        It "Write-ProgressBarreColor" {
            (Write-ProgressBarreColor 50 -Width 20 -block 'X' -empty '-') -join('') | should -be '[XXXXXXXXX---------] 50,0%'

    $global:JENKINS = $true
    $psd1 | Import-Module -Force
    Context "Jenkins Mode" {
        function Global:Write-HostOriginal($Object) { $Object }
        It "Write-color" {
               write-color @('Green ','DarkGreen ','Black ','Red ','DarkRed ','Yellow ','DarkYellow ','Blue ','DarkBlue ','Magenta ','DarkMagenta ','Cyan ','DarkCyan ','White ','Gray ','DarkGray') `
                -ForeGroundColor Red,DarkRed,Yellow,DarkYellow,Blue,DarkBlue,Magenta,DarkMagenta,Cyan,DarkCyan,White,Gray,DarkGray `
                -BackGroundColor Green,DarkGreen,Black,Red,DarkRed,Yellow,DarkYellow,Blue,DarkBlue,Magenta,DarkMagenta,Cyan,DarkCyan,White,Gray,DarkGray
            ) -join('') | Should -Be 'Green DarkGreen Black Red DarkRed Yellow DarkYellow Blue DarkBlue Magenta DarkMagenta Cyan DarkCyan White Gray DarkGray'
}# >

$global:JENKINS = $false
$psd1 | Import-Module -Force
function Global:Write-Host($Object) { $Object }

Describe "Man" {
    Context "CodeFuntion" {
        It "" {
            { '*.psm1' -MarkDownFileName ''} | Should -Not -Throw

$metaData = New-Object System.Management.Automation.CommandMetaData (Get-Command 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host')
Invoke-Expression "function Global:Write-Host { $([System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::create($metaData)) }"

$psd1 | Import-Module -Force