
function Connect-PSADO {
    Create a connection to PSADO, using a PAT
    This function sets up a connection to Azure DevOps to test the credentials.
    If they are correct, the token and username are stored in the current session.
    .PARAMETER Organization
    The name of the Companyaccount in Azure DevOps. so{Organization}
    A username, with format
    .PARAMETER Token
    The PAT for the connection.
    Connect-PSADO -Organization "Company" -User -Token 203fn320fh3ainfaowinf23023f9n39naf89wnf9
    Stores User-, Token- and Organization-variable in the session so they only have to be provided once.
    Author: Barbara Forbes
    Module: Psado

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    # Encode the credentials so you can perform basic authentication.
    $Header = New-Header -User $User -Token $Token

    # A connection is made to test the authentication and store values if they are correct
    $testUri = "$organization/_apis/projects?api-version=2.0"

    try {
        $testLogin = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $testUri -Method Get -Headers $Header
    catch {
        throw $_

    $errorpage = $testlogin | Select-String  "Azure DevOps Services | Sign In"

    if (($null -ne $errorpage) -or ($null -eq $testLogin)) {
        throw "Authentication failed. Please check Organization, username, token and permissions"

    #Store variables
    $Variables = @( "Token", "User", "Organization")
    ForEach ($Variable in $Variables) {
        $FullVariable = Get-variable $Variable
        if ($Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.ContainsKey("*-PSADO*:$($FullVariable.Name)")) {
            $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Item("*-PSADO*:$($FullVariable.Name)") = $FullVariable.Value
        else {
            $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues.Add("*-PSADO*:$($FullVariable.Name)", $FullVariable.Value)

    Write-Output "Connection with Azure DevOps for $organization has been made"