
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Misc, most inspired by ~Clint, Alex Angelopoulos and Andrew Watt
# Desc: Logs each PowerShell session via the Start-Transcipt functionality
# to a unique filename in the Transcripts subdir of your
# WindowsPowerShell user directory.
# Site:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Searches your session transcript files for the specified pattern.
    Searches your session transcript files for the specified pattern.
    Pattern to match which is a regex pattern.
.PARAMETER CurrentOnly
    Searches just the current transcript file.
.PARAMETER SimpleMatch
    Do not interpret Pattern as a regex.
    Just list transcript filenames that match pattern instead of each line.
    Passes the MatchInfo object down the pipeline.
    Prevents multiple whitespace characters from being compacted to a single space.
    C:\PS> Search-Transcript Format-Xml
    Searches all transcript files for usages of the Format-Xml cmdlet.

function Search-Transcript
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]

    # Determine full path to transcript dir
    $TranscriptPath = $Pscx:Session['TranscribeSession_TranscriptPath']
    $TranscriptDir = Split-Path $TranscriptPath -Parent
    $TranscriptFile = Split-Path $TranscriptPath -Leaf

    # Don't log any of the search activity to the transcript because it results in
    # confusion when the results of previous searches turn up in the current search results.
    Stop-Transcript | Out-Null
    # Trap any errors in the following nested scope so that we can be assured of starting
    # the transcript back up.
        Push-Location $TranscriptDir
        $transcriptFiles = @($TranscriptFile)
        if (!$CurrentOnly -and $TranscriptDir) 
            $transcriptFiles += Get-ChildItem *.txt -Exclude $TranscriptFile
        Select-String $Pattern -Path $transcriptFiles -SimpleMatch:$SimpleMatch -List:$List
        Start-Transcript $Pscx:Session['TranscribeSession_TranscriptPath'] -Append | Out-Null

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Transcribe is only supported in console host.
# Only execute this code once per PowerShell session.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (($Host.Name -ne 'ConsoleHost') -or $Pscx:Session['TranscribeSession_Loaded']) 

$Pscx:Session['TranscribeSession_Loaded'] = $true

# Create Transcripts dir under user's profile directory
$TranscriptDir = Join-Path (Split-Path $Profile -Parent) Transcripts
if (!(Test-Path $TranscriptDir)) {
    New-Item $TranscriptDir -ItemType Directory > $null

$TranscriptFile = "{0}-{1:0###}.txt" -f (Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd-HHmm), $PID
$Pscx:Session['TranscribeSession_TranscriptPath'] = Join-Path $TranscriptDir $TranscriptFile
Start-Transcript $Pscx:Session['TranscribeSession_TranscriptPath']

Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Function *