
function Publish-DacPac {
        Publish-DacPac allows you to deploy a SQL Server Database using a DACPAC to a SQL Server instance.
        Publishes a SSDT DacPac using a specified DacPac publish profile from your solution.
        Basically deploys the DACPAC by invoking SqlPackage.exe using a DacPac Publish profile
        Module written by (c) Dr. John Tunnicliffe, 2019
        This PowerShell script is released under the MIT license
        Publish-DacPac -DacPacPath "C:\Dev\YourDB\bin\Debug\YourDB.dacpac" -DacPublishProfile "YourDB.CI.publish.xml" -TargetServerName "YourDBServer"

        [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [String] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Boolean] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    $global:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';

    try {
        # find the specific version of SqlPackage or the latest if not available
        $Version = Select-SqlPackageVersion -PreferredVersion $PreferredVersion;
        $SqlPackageExePath = Get-SqlPackagePath -Version $Version;

        if (!(Test-Path -Path $SqlPackageExePath)) {
            Write-Error "Publish-DacPac Error: Could not find SqlPackage.exe in order to deploy a database DacPac!";
            Write-Warning "For install instructions, see";
            throw "Could not find SqlPackage.exe in order to deploy the database DacPac!";

        [String]$ProductVersion = (Get-Item $SqlPackageExePath).VersionInfo.ProductVersion;

        if (!(Test-Path -Path $DacPacPath)) {
            throw "DacPac path does not exist in $DacPacPath";

        $DacPacName = Split-Path $DacPacPath -Leaf;
        $OriginalDbName = $DacPacName -replace ".dacpac", ""
        $DacPacFolder = Split-Path $DacPacPath -Parent;
        if ($TargetDatabaseName -eq "") {
            $TargetDatabaseName = $OriginalDbName;

        # figure out if we have a full path to the DAC Publish Profile or just the filename of the DAC Publish Profile in the same folder as the DACPAC
        if (Test-Path($DacPublishProfile)) {
            $DacPacPublishProfilePath = $DacPublishProfile;
        } else {
            $DacPacPublishProfilePath = Resolve-Path "$DacPacFolder\$DacPublishProfile";

        if (!(Test-Path -Path $DacPacPublishProfilePath)) {
            throw "DAC Publish Profile does not exist in $DacPacPublishProfilePath";

        $ProfileName = Split-Path $DacPacPublishProfilePath -Leaf;

        Write-Verbose "Publish-DacPac: Target database '$TargetDatabaseName'";
        Write-Verbose "Publish-DacPac: Target server '$TargetServerName'";
        Write-Verbose "Publish-DacPac: DacPac '$DacPacName' from '$DacPacFolder'";
        Write-Verbose "Publish-DacPac: Dac Profile '$ProfileName' from '$DacPacPublishProfilePath'";
        Write-Verbose "Publish-DacPac: SqlPackage.exe version $ProductVersion from '$SqlPackageExePath'";

        #Write-Verbose "Publish-DacPac: DacPacDacPublishProfileTemplate = $DacPacPublishProfilePath";

        [xml]$DacPacDacPublishProfile = [xml](Get-Content $DacPacPublishProfilePath);
        $DacPacDacPublishProfile.Project.PropertyGroup.TargetDatabaseName = "$TargetDatabaseName";
        $DacPacDacPublishProfile.Project.PropertyGroup.TargetConnectionString = "Data Source=$TargetServerName;Integrated Security=True";
        $DacPacUpdatedProfilePath = "$DacPacFolder\$OriginalDbName.deploy.publish.xml";

        $global:lastexitcode = 0;

        if (!(Ping-SqlServer -ServerName $TargetServerName)) {
            throw "Server '$TargetServerName' does not exist!";
        } else {
            #if ($global:Debug) {
            if ($TestMode) {
                Write-Information "In 'Don't Deploy' Mode, so will not deploy";
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "Publish-DacPac: Deploying database '$TargetDatabaseName' to server '$TargetServerName' using DacPac '$DacPacName'"
                #Write-Verbose "$SqlPackageExePath /Action:Publish /SourceFile:$DacPacPath /Profile:$DacPacUpdatedProfilePath";

                &"$SqlPackageExePath" /Action:Publish /SourceFile:"$DacPacPath" /Profile:"$DacPacUpdatedProfilePath"
                if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
                    Write-Error "Error executing $SqlPackageExePath deployment";
    } catch {
        Write-Error "Error: $_";