
Function Get-PuppetDataType {
      Get the representation of a DSC Resource Property Type as a Puppet Resource API Data Type
      This function provides a way of generating strongly typed Puppet Resource API attributes by
      introspecting a DSC Resource's properties to provide as much useful feedback to manifest
      authors at manifest-write time and catalog-compilation.
      It cannot currently discover the proper structure for most embedded instances, though the
      embedded instance schema for PSCredentials *has* been included.
    .PARAMETER DscResourceProperty
      The DscResourcePropertyInfo object which represents a single property for a given DSC resource.
      Get-PuppetDataTYpe -DscResourceProperty $DscResource.Properties[0]
      This will return a string representing the Puppet Data type that most closely equates to the
      PowerShell data type that this Property has.

    # We cannot strongly type this *and* have useful unit tests as the type
    # has read-only values and cannot be created properly nor updated. For
    # other commands we could just grab real examples but for processing a
    # ton of data types, that's just not feasible. It *should* be:
    # Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.DscResourcePropertyInfo
  # - Can we represent a complex number in Puppet? Do we want to?
  $OtherIntegers = @(
  $Floats = @(
  If (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($DscResourceProperty.Values)){
    # Enums are handles specially
    $InnerText = $DscResourceProperty.Values | ForEach-Object -Process {"'$_'"}
    $PuppetDataTypeText = "Enum[$($InnerText -join ', ')]"
  } Else {
    If (Test-EmbeddedInstance -PropertyType $DscResourceProperty.PropertyType){
      # TODO: We SHOULD be able to walk our way to the nested data structure for these Hashes
      $PuppetDataTypeText = 'Hash'
    } Else {
      # Strip the brackets away for easier comparison; arrays are handled later anyway
      $DataTypeName = $DscResourceProperty.PropertyType -replace '(\[|\])', $null
      $PuppetDataTypeText = switch ($DataTypeName){
                              {$_ -in 'Bool', 'Boolean' }  { 'Boolean' }
                              'String' { 'String'  }
                              'byte'   { 'Integer[0, 255]' }
                              'Uint16' { 'Integer[0, 65535]' }
                              'Uint32' { 'Integer[0, 4294967295]' }
                              'Uint64' { 'Integer[0, 18446744073709551615]' }
                              'Real32' { 'Float' }
                              'Real64' { 'Float' }
                              'sybte'  { 'Integer[-128, 127]' }
                              {$_ -in 'int16', 'SInt16'}  { 'Integer[-32768, 32767]' }
                              {$_ -in 'int', 'int32', 'SInt32'}  { 'Integer[-2147483648, 2147483647]' }
                              {$_ -in 'int64', 'SInt64'}  { 'Integer[-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807]' }
                              { $_ -in $OtherIntegers } { 'Integer' }
                              { $_ -in $Floats } { 'Float' }
                              'PSCredential' { 'Struct[{ user => String[1], password => Sensitive[String[1]] }]' }
                              # Can we mandate that an attribute be a sensitive string? Does this even make sense?
                              'SecureString' { 'Sensitive[String]' }
                              # TODO: Should this just be a string? Do we need/want to validate this?
                              'DateTime' { 'Timestamp' }
                              'HashTable' { 'Hash' }
                              'Char' { 'String[1,1]' }
                              # This is kinda gross, but this only came up once in 350+ module builds
                              'Object' {'Any'}
                              default  {
                                # Better to scream loudly than write an invalid type?
                                # Optionally include a Force param to put down `Any` as the data type?
                                Throw "Cannot convert DSC Type '$($DscResourceProperty.PropertyType)'"

  If ($DscResourceProperty.PropertyType -match [Regex]::Escape('[]')){
    $PuppetDataTypeText = "Array[$($PuppetDataTypeText)]"

  # Return the string formatted for being dropped directly into the type file
  # special case PSCredential for now to always be optional
  If (($True -eq $DscResourceProperty.IsMandatory) -and ('PSCredential' -ne $DataTypeName)) {
  } Else {