
Describe 'Update-PuppetModuleReadme' -Tag 'Unit' {
  BeforeAll {
    $ModuleRootPath = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath |
      Split-Path -Parent |
      Split-Path -Parent
    Import-Module "$ModuleRootPath/Puppet.Dsc.psd1"
    . $PSCommandPath.Replace('.Tests.ps1', '.ps1')

  InModuleScope puppet.dsc {
    Context 'Basic Verification' {
      BeforeAll {
        # Setup fixtures
        $PuppetFolderPath = 'TestDrive:\'
        New-Item -Path "$PuppetFolderPath/"
        $ModuleRootPath = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath |
          Split-Path -Parent |
          Split-Path -Parent
        $ManifestFixtureFile = Resolve-Path -Path "$ModuleRootPath/tests/fixtures/PowerShellGet.psd1"
        $ManifestFilePath = 'TestDrive:\PowerShellGet.psd1'
        Copy-Item -Path $ManifestFixtureFile -Destination $ManifestFilePath
        # Import from the Manifest Fixture
        $ManifestData = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path $ManifestFixtureFile
        # Setup mocks
        Mock Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile { return $ManifestData }
        Mock Get-ReadmeContent { return 'Content' }
        Mock Out-Utf8File { }

      Context 'Parameter handling' {
        BeforeAll {
          Mock Get-PuppetizedModuleName { return 'foo' }

        It 'Errors if the specified Puppet readme file cannot be found' {
          $Parameters = @{
            PowerShellModuleManifestPath = $ManifestFilePath
            PowerShellModuleName         = 'PowerShellGet'
            PuppetModuleFolderPath       = 'TestDrive:\foo\bar'
            PuppetModuleName             = 'powershellget'
          # NB: This test may only work on English language test nodes?
          { Update-PuppetModuleReadme @Parameters } | Should -Throw "Cannot find path 'TestDrive:\foo\bar\' because it does not exist."
        It 'Errors if the specified PowerShell module manifest cannot be found' {
          $Parameters = @{
            PowerShellModuleManifestPath = 'TestDrive:\foo\bar'
            PowerShellModuleName         = 'PowerShellGet'
            PuppetModuleFolderPath       = $PuppetFolderPath
            PuppetModuleName             = 'powershellget'
          { Update-PuppetModuleReadme @Parameters } | Should -Throw "Cannot find path 'TestDrive:\foo\bar' because it does not exist."
        It 'Errors if the PowerShellModuleManifestPath is not specified' {
          (Get-Command -Name Update-PuppetModuleReadme).Parameters['PowerShellModuleManifestPath'].Attributes |
            Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -is [parameter] } |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Mandatory | Should -Be $true
        It 'Errors if the PowerShellModuleName is not specified' {
          (Get-Command -Name Update-PuppetModuleReadme).Parameters['PowerShellModuleName'].Attributes |
            Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -is [parameter] } |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Mandatory | Should -Be $true
        It 'Errors if the PuppetModuleFolderPath is not specified' {
          (Get-Command -Name Update-PuppetModuleReadme).Parameters['PuppetModuleFolderPath'].Attributes |
            Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -is [parameter] } |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Mandatory | Should -Be $true
        It 'Sets the Puppet module name if not specified' {
          $Parameters = @{
            PowerShellModuleManifestPath = $ManifestFilePath
            PowerShellModuleName         = 'PowerShellGet'
            PuppetModuleFolderPath       = $PuppetFolderPath
          # Specified
          { Update-PuppetModuleReadme @Parameters -PuppetModuleName override } | Should -Not -Throw
          Should -Invoke Get-PuppetizedModuleName -Times 0
          Should -Invoke Get-ReadmeContent -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
            $PuppetModuleName -ceq 'override'
          # Unspecified
          { Update-PuppetModuleReadme @Parameters } | Should -Not -Throw
          Should -Invoke Get-PuppetizedModuleName -Times 1
          Should -Invoke Get-ReadmeContent -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
            $PuppetModuleName -ceq 'foo'
        It 'Errors if the PowerShellModuleManifestPath is specified as an empty string' {
          $Parameters = @{
            PowerShellModuleManifestPath = ''
            PowerShellModuleName         = 'PowerShellGet'
            PuppetModuleFolderPath       = $PuppetFolderPath
            PuppetModuleName             = 'powershellget'
          { Update-PuppetModuleReadme @Parameters } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'PowerShellModuleManifestPath'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again."
        It 'Errors if the PowerShellModuleName is specified as an empty string' {
          $Parameters = @{
            PowerShellModuleManifestPath = 'TestDrive:\foo\bar'
            PowerShellModuleName         = ''
            PuppetModuleFolderPath       = $PuppetFolderPath
            PuppetModuleName             = 'powershellget'
          { Update-PuppetModuleReadme @Parameters } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'PowerShellModuleName'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again."
        It 'Errors if the PuppetModuleFolderPath is specified as an empty string' {
          $Parameters = @{
            PowerShellModuleManifestPath = 'TestDrive:\foo\bar'
            PowerShellModuleName         = 'PowerShellGet'
            PuppetModuleFolderPath       = ''
            PuppetModuleName             = 'powershellget'
          { Update-PuppetModuleReadme @Parameters } | Should -Throw "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'PuppetModuleFolderPath'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again."
        It 'Sets the Puppet module name if specified as an empty string' {
          $Parameters = @{
            PowerShellModuleManifestPath = $ManifestFilePath
            PowerShellModuleName         = 'PowerShellGet'
            PuppetModuleFolderPath       = $PuppetFolderPath
            PuppetModuleName             = ''
          # empty
          { Update-PuppetModuleReadme @Parameters } | Should -Not -Throw
          Should -Invoke Get-PuppetizedModuleName -Times 1
          Should -Invoke Get-ReadmeContent -Times 1 -ParameterFilter {
            $PuppetModuleName -ceq 'foo'
      Context 'Updating Readme' {
        BeforeAll {
          Mock Get-PuppetizedModuleName { }
          $Parameters = @{
            PowerShellModuleManifestPath = $ManifestFilePath
            PowerShellModuleName         = 'PowerShellGet'
            PuppetModuleFolderPath       = $PuppetFolderPath
            PuppetModuleName             = 'powershellget'

        It 'does not throw' {
          { Update-PuppetModuleReadme @Parameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Retrieves the README text' {
          Should -Invoke Get-ReadmeContent -Times 1 -Scope Context
        It 'Writes the file once' {
          Should -Invoke Out-Utf8File -Times 1 -Scope Context
        It 'Passes the PowerShell module name' {
          Should -Invoke Get-ReadmeContent -Times 1 -Scope Context -ParameterFilter {
            $PowerShellModuleName -eq $Parameters.PowerShellModuleName
        It 'Constructs the PowerShell gallery link' {
          Should -Invoke Get-ReadmeContent -Times 1 -Scope Context -ParameterFilter {
            $PowerShellModuleGalleryUri -eq "$($Parameters.PowerShellModuleName)/$($ManifestData.ModuleVersion)"
        It 'Passes the PowerShell module description, project uri, and version' {
          Should -Invoke Get-ReadmeContent -Times 1 -Scope Context -ParameterFilter {
            $PowerShellModuleDescription -eq $ManifestData.Description -and
            $PowerShellModuleProjectUri -eq $ManifestData.PrivateData.PSData.ProjectUri -and
            $PowerShellModuleVersion -eq $ManifestData.ModuleVersion