
Function Get-PuppetModuleVersion {
      Get a valid Puppet module version from a PowerShell version object
      Get a valid Puppet module version from a PowerShell version object, writing a string which
      adds prerelease text for the revision version (if any), and a fifth digit representing the
      build version, starting at 0.
    .PARAMETER Version
      The PowerShell version to base the Puppet version on.
    .PARAMETER BuildNumber
      The build number for the generated module.
      Get-PuppetModuleVersion -Version 1.2.3
      This will return '1.2.3-0-0' as the valid Puppet module version mapping to the specified PowerShell.
      Get-PuppetModuleVersion -Version
      This will return '1.2.3-4-0' as the valid Puppet module version mapping to the specified PowerShell.
      Get-PuppetModuleVersion -Version 1.2.3 -BuildNumber 3
      This will return '1.2.3-0-3' as the valid Puppet module version mapping to the specified PowerShell.

  Param (
    [int]$BuildNumber = 0
  $PuppetVersion = [PSCustomObject]@{
    Major    = $Version.Major
    Minor    = $Version.Minor
    Build    = $Version.Build
    Revision = $Version.Revision
  If ($PuppetVersion.Minor -lt 0) { $PuppetVersion.Minor = 0 }
  If ($PuppetVersion.Major -lt 0) { $PuppetVersion.Major = 0 }
  If ($PuppetVersion.Build -lt 0) { $PuppetVersion.Build = 0 }
  If ($PuppetVersion.Revision -lt 0) { $PuppetVersion.Revision = 0 }