
Function Get-PowerShellDscModule {
    Retrieve one or more PowerShell modules with DSC Resources
    Retrieve one or more PowerShell modules with DSC Resources from a PowerShell repository,
    returning their name and all released versions.
    The name of one or more modules to search for. If not specified, returns all modules
    with DSC Resources.
  .PARAMETER Repository
    The PowerShell repository to search; defaults to the PowerShell Gallery
    Searches the PowerShell Gallery for every module with DSC Resources and returns every
    released version of those modules.
    [PSCustomObject[]] An object with the name of each discovered module and a Releases
    property for every version released to the repository.

  param (
    [string]$Repository = 'PSGallery'

  Begin { }
  Process {
    If ($null -eq $Name) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Searching the $Repository for all modules with DSC Resources"
      $Name = Find-Module -Repository $Repository -DscResource * -Name * |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

    ForEach ($NameToSearch in $Name) {
      try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Searching the $Repository for all versions of the $NameToSearch module with DSC Resources"
        $Response = Find-Module -Repository $Repository -DscResource * -Name $NameToSearch -AllVersions -ErrorAction Stop
          Name     = $NameToSearch
          Releases = $Response.Version
      } catch {
  End { }