
Describe 'Update-PuppetModuleMetadata' -Tag 'Unit' {
  BeforeAll {
    $ModuleRootPath = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath |
      Split-Path -Parent |
      Split-Path -Parent
    Import-Module "$ModuleRootPath/Puppet.Dsc.psd1"
    . $PSCommandPath.Replace('.Tests.ps1', '.ps1')

  InModuleScope puppet.dsc {
    Context 'Basic Verification' {
      BeforeAll {
        # Copy fixtures over
        $ModuleRootPath = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath |
          Split-Path -Parent |
          Split-Path -Parent
        $MetadataFixtureFile = Resolve-Path -Path "$ModuleRootPath/tests/fixtures/metadata.json"
        $PuppetFolderPath = 'TestDrive:\'
        Copy-Item -Path $MetadataFixtureFile -Destination $PuppetFolderPath
        $ManifestFixtureFile = Resolve-Path -Path "$ModuleRootPath/tests/fixtures/PowerShellGet.psd1"
        $ManifestFilePath = 'TestDrive:\PowerShellGet.psd1'
        Copy-Item -Path $ManifestFixtureFile -Destination $ManifestFilePath
        $ManifestData = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path $ManifestFixtureFile
        $ManifestDataNoHelpUri = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path $ManifestFixtureFile
        $ManifestDataNoProjectUri = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path $ManifestFixtureFile
        $ManifestDataNoProjectUri.PrivateData.PSData.ProjectUri = ''
        $ManifestDataValidGithub = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path $ManifestFixtureFile
        $ManifestDataValidGithub.PrivateData.PSData.ProjectUri = ''
        $ManifestDataInvalidGithub = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path $ManifestFixtureFile
        $ManifestDataInvalidGithub.PrivateData.PSData.ProjectUri = ''
        Mock ConvertTo-UnescapedJson { return $InputObject }
        Mock Out-Utf8File { return $InputObject }
        Mock Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile { $ManifestData }
        Mock Invoke-WebRequest {}

      Context 'Parameter handling' {
        It 'Errors if the specified Puppet metadata file cannot be found' {
          # NB: This test may only work on English language test nodes?
          { Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -PuppetModuleFolderPath TestDrive:\foo\bar -PowerShellModuleManifestPath $ManifestFilePath } |
            Should -Throw "Cannot find path 'TestDrive:\foo\bar\metadata.json' because it does not exist."
        It 'Errors if the specified PowerShell module manifest cannot be found' {
          { Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -PuppetModuleFolderPath $PuppetFolderPath -PowerShellModuleManifestPath TestDrive:\foo\bar } |
            Should -Throw "Cannot find path 'TestDrive:\foo\bar' because it does not exist."
        It 'Overwrites the module author only if specified' {
          $UnspecifiedResult = Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -PuppetModuleFolderPath $PuppetFolderPath -PowerShellModuleManifestPath $ManifestFilePath
          $SpecifiedResult = Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -PuppetModuleFolderPath $PuppetFolderPath -PowerShellModuleManifestPath $ManifestFilePath -PuppetModuleAuthor override
          $ | Should -BeExactly 'someone'
          $   | Should -MatchExactly '^someone-'
          $   | Should -BeExactly 'override'
          $     | Should -MatchExactly '^override-'
      Context 'Updating Metadata' {
        BeforeAll {
          $Result = Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -PuppetModuleFolderPath $PuppetFolderPath -PowerShellModuleManifestPath $ManifestFilePath

        It 'Converts to JSON' {
          Should -Invoke ConvertTo-UnescapedJson -Times 1 -Scope Context
        It 'Writes the file once' {
          Should -Invoke Out-Utf8File -Times 1 -Scope Context
        It 'Updates the version' {
          $Result.version | Should -Be '2.2.3-0-0'
        It 'Updates the summary' {
          $Result.summary | Should -Be 'PowerShell module with commands for discovering, installing, updating and publishing the \"PowerShell\" artifacts like Modules, DSC Resources...'
        It 'Has the summary shorter or equal to 144 chars' {
          $Result.summary.length | Should -LE 144
        It 'Updates the source' {
          $Result.source | Should -Be ''
        It 'Updates the issues url' {
          $Result.issues_url | Should -Be ''
        It 'Updates the project page' {
          $Result.project_page | Should -Be ''
        It 'Updates the dependencies' {
          $Result.dependencies[0].Name | Should -Be 'puppetlabs/pwshlib'
          $Result.dependencies[0].version_requirement | Should -Be '>= 0.9.0 < 2.0.0'
        It 'Updates the supported operating system list' {
          $Result.operatingsystem_support[0].operatingsystem | Should -Be 'windows'
          $Result.operatingsystem_support[0].operatingsystemrelease | Should -Contain '2012'
          $Result.operatingsystem_support[0].operatingsystemrelease | Should -Contain '2012R2'
          $Result.operatingsystem_support[0].operatingsystemrelease | Should -Contain '2016'
          $Result.operatingsystem_support[0].operatingsystemrelease | Should -Contain '2019'
        It 'Updates the Puppet lower bound' {
          $Result.requirements[0].version_requirement | Should -Be '>= 7.0.0 < 9.0.0'
        It 'Sets the appropriate tags' {
          $Result.tags[0] | Should -Be 'windows'
          $Result.tags[1] | Should -Be 'puppetdsc'
          $Result.tags[2] | Should -Be 'dsc'
        It 'Adds metadata about the Puppetized PowerShell module' {
          $    | Should -BeExactly 'PowerShellGet'
          $Result.dsc_module_metadata.version | Should -BeExactly '2.2.3'
          $  | Should -BeExactly 'Microsoft Corporation'
          $Result.dsc_module_metadata.guid    | Should -BeExactly '1d73a601-4a6c-43c5-ba3f-619b18bbb404'
      Context 'Edge Cases' {
        Context 'Issues Url' {
          BeforeAll {
            Mock Invoke-WebRequest { If ($Uri -match 'bar') { throw 'Site not found' } }
          It 'Sets the issues url to the issues tab of a repo, if it can resolve the Project URI to a valid git repo' {
            # Replace the Project URI with a "valid" GitHub repo URI, should direct to the issues tab:
            Mock Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile { $ManifestDataValidGithub }
            Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -PuppetModuleFolderPath $PuppetFolderPath -PowerShellModuleManifestPath $ManifestFilePath |
              Select-Object -ExpandProperty issues_url | Should -Be ''
          It 'Sets the issues url to the repo if it cannot resolve the issues tab' {
            # Replace the Project URI with an "invalid" GitHub repo URI; should be the URI, not the issues tab:
            Mock Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile { $ManifestDataInvalidGithub }
            Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -PuppetModuleFolderPath $PuppetFolderPath -PowerShellModuleManifestPath $ManifestFilePath |
              Select-Object -ExpandProperty issues_url | Should -Be ''
        Context 'Project Page' {
          BeforeAll {
            Mock Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile { $ManifestDataNoHelpUri }

          It 'Defaults to the project uri if no Help URI is specified' {
            # Remove the HelpUri from the manifest
            Get-Content -Path $ManifestFilePath | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -notmatch 'HelpUri' } | Out-File $ManifestFilePath
            Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -PuppetModuleFolderPath $PuppetFolderPath -PowerShellModuleManifestPath $ManifestFilePath |
              Select-Object -ExpandProperty project_page | Should -Be ''
        Context 'Source' {
          BeforeAll {
            Mock Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile { $ManifestDataNoProjectUri }
          It 'Defaults to the Gallery page if no Project URI is specified' {
            Update-PuppetModuleMetadata -PuppetModuleFolderPath $PuppetFolderPath -PowerShellModuleManifestPath $ManifestFilePath |
              Select-Object -ExpandProperty source | Should -Be ''