
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
function Get-PfaVMFSVol {
      Retrieves the FlashArray volume that hosts a VMFS datastore.
      Takes in a VMFS datastore and one or more FlashArrays and returns the volume if found.
      FlashArray connection(s) and a VMFS datastore.
      Returns FlashArray volume or null if not found.
      Version: 3.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 12/17/2019
      Purpose/Change: Added parameter sets, validation
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ $fa = New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $ds = get-datastore myVMFS
      PS C:\ Get-PfaVMFSVol -datastore $ds -flasharray $fa
      Returns the volume that hosts the VMFS datastore.
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-x20-1 -credentials $faCreds -nondefaultArray
      PS C:\ $ds = get-datastore myVMFS
      PS C:\ Get-PfaVMFSVol -datastore $ds
      Returns the volume that hosts the VMFS datastore by finding it on one of the connected FlashArrays.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.

              if ($_.Type -ne 'VMFS')
                  throw "The entered datastore is not a VMFS datastore. It is type $($_.Type). Please only enter a VMFS datastore"
              else {


    if ($null -eq $flasharray)
        $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore
    else {
      $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray
    $pureVolumes = Get-PfaVolumes -Array  $fa
    $lun = $datastore.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Extent.DiskName |select-object -unique
    $volserial = ($lun.ToUpper()).substring(12)
    $purevol = $purevolumes | where-object { $_.serial -eq $volserial }
    if ($null -ne $purevol.name)
        return $purevol
    else {
        throw "The volume was not found."
function New-PfaVmfs {
      Create a new VMFS on a new FlashArray volume
      Creates a new FlashArray-based VMFS and presents it to a cluster.
      FlashArray connection, a vCenter cluster, a volume size, and name.
      Returns a VMFS object.
      Version: 3.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 12/23/2019
      Purpose/Change: Added parameter sets, validation and creation from snapshot
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ New-PfaVmfs -cluster (get-cluster MountainView) -volName codytest0001 -sizeInTB 12
      Creates a 12 TB VMFS for a cluster named MountainView on the default FlashArray connection
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ $fa = New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ New-PfaVmfs -cluster (get-cluster MountainView) -volName codytest0002 -sizeInGB 16384 -flasharray $fa
      Creates a 16384 GB VMFS for a cluster named MountainView on the specified FlashArray connection
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



              if (($_ -match "^[A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]$") -and ($_.length -lt 64))
              else {
                throw "The name must be no more than 63 characters, start with a letter, and consist of only numbers, letters, and dashes."



    Begin {
        if ($sizeInGB -ne 0) {
            $volSize = $sizeInGB * 1024 *1024 *1024   
        elseif ($sizeInTB -ne 0) {
            $volSize = $sizeInTB * 1024 *1024 *1024 * 1024
        $allFAs = @()
        $newNAAs = @()
        $volNames = @()
        $hostGroupNames = @()
        $oneVolume = 0
        $newDatastores = @()
        if ($null -eq $flasharray)
          $flasharray = checkDefaultFlashArray
        if ($null -eq $volSize)
          foreach ($fa in $flasharray)
            $snapshot = Get-PfaVolumeSnapshot -Array $fa -SnapshotName $snapName
            if ($null -ne $snapshot)
          $newDatastores = New-PfaVmfsFromSnapshot -cluster $cluster -flasharray $fa -snapName $snapshot.name
          $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa
          foreach ($fa in $flasharray)
            try {
              $hostGroup = $cluster | get-pfaHostGroupfromVcCluster -flasharray $fa
                for ($h =0; $h -lt $volNames.Count; $h++)
                  Remove-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $allFAs[$h] -VolumeName $volNames[$h] -HostGroupName $hostGroupNames[$h] |Out-Null
                  Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $allFAs[$h] -Name $volNames[$h] |Out-Null
                  Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $allFAs[$h] -Name $volNames[$h] -Eradicate |Out-Null
                $cluster | get-pfaHostGroupfromVcCluster -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($oneVolume -gt 0)
              if ($oneVolume -eq 1)
                $nameSuffix = ("-" + (get-random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000))
                Rename-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $lastFA -Name $volName -NewName ($volName + $nameSuffix) |Out-Null
                $volNames[0] = ($volName + "-" + $nameSuffix)
                $newName = ($volName + "-" + (get-random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000))
              else {
                $newName = ($volName + "-" + (get-random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000))
            else {
              $newName = $volName
            $newVol = New-PfaVolume -Array $fa -Size $volSize -VolumeName $newName -ErrorAction Stop
            $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa
            $lastFA = $fa
            New-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $fa -VolumeName $newVol.name -HostGroupName $hostGroup.name |Out-Null
            $newNAAs +=  "naa.624a9370" + $newVol.serial.toLower()
            $allFAs += $fa
            $volNames += $newVol.name
            $hostGroupNames += $hostGroup.name 
      if ($newDatastores.count -lt 1)
        $esxi = $cluster | get-vmhost | where-object {($_.version -like '5.5.*') -or ($_.version -like '6.*')}| where-object {($_.ConnectionState -eq 'Connected')} |Select-Object -last 1
        $cluster| Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba |Out-Null
        $ESXiApiVersion = $esxi.ExtensionData.Summary.Config.Product.ApiVersion
        $varCount = 0
        foreach ($newNAA in $newNAAs)
          Write-Debug -Message $newNAA
                if (($ESXiApiVersion -eq "5.5") -or ($ESXiApiVersion -eq "6.0") -or ($ESXiApiVersion -eq "5.1"))
                    $newVMFS = $esxi |new-datastore -name $volNames[$varCount] -vmfs -Path $newNAAs[$varCount] -FileSystemVersion 5 -ErrorAction Stop
                    $newVMFS = $esxi |new-datastore -name $volNames[$varCount] -vmfs -Path $newNAAs[$varCount] -FileSystemVersion 6 -ErrorAction Stop
                $newDatastores += $newVMFS
            catch {
                Write-Error $Global:Error[0]
                Remove-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $allFAs[$varCount] -VolumeName $volNames[$varCount] -HostGroupName $hostGroupNames[$varCount] |Out-Null
                Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $allFAs[$varCount] -Name $volNames[$varCount] |Out-Null
                Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $allFAs[$varCount] -Name $volNames[$varCount] -Eradicate |Out-Null
      return $newDatastores
function Add-PfaVmfsToCluster {
      Add an existing FlashArray-based VMFS to another VMware cluster.
      Takes in a vCenter Cluster and a datastore and the corresponding FlashArray
      FlashArray connection, a vCenter cluster, and a datastore
      Returns the FlashArray host group connection.
      Version: 2.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 05/26/2019
      Purpose/Change: Updated for new connection mgmt
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $ds = get-datastore codytest0001
      PS C:\ Add-PfaVmfsToCluster -cluster (get-cluster Cupertino) -datastore $ds
      Adds an existing datastore to another VMware cluster. The FlashArray connection is discovered in the default connection.
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ $fa = New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $ds = get-datastore codytest0001
      PS C:\ Add-PfaVmfsToCluster -cluster (get-cluster Cupertino) -datastore $ds -flasharray $fa
      Adds an existing datastore to another VMware cluster.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



              if ($_.Type -ne 'VMFS')
                  throw "The entered datastore is not a VMFS datastore. It is type $($_.Type). Please only enter a VMFS datastore"
              else {
    Begin {
        $faConnections = @()
        if ($null -eq $flasharray)
          $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop
          $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
        foreach ($cs in $cluster)
            $pureVol = $datastore | get-pfaVolfromVMFS -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop
            $hostGroup = get-pfaHostGroupfromVcCluster -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop -cluster $cs
            if ($hostGroup.count -gt 1)
              throw "This cluster spans more than one host group, please ensure this is a 1:1 relationship."
              try {
                $faConnection = New-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $fa -VolumeName $pureVol.name -HostGroupName $hostGroup.name -ErrorAction Stop
              catch {
                Write-Error $Global:Error[0]
              $cs| Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba -RescanVmfs -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
              $faConnections += $faConnection
              $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa
        return $faConnections
function Set-PfaVmfsCapacity {
      Increase the size of a FlashArray-based VMFS datastore.
      Takes in a datastore, the corresponding FlashArray, and a new size. Both the volume and the VMFS will be grown.
      FlashArray connection, a size, and a datastore
      Returns the datastore.
      Version: 2.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 01/04/2019
      Purpose/Change: Updated to remove code that causes deprecation warning from VMware
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $ds = get-datastore codytest0001
      PS C:\ $ds | Set-PfaVmfsCapacity -sizeInTB 16
      Expands the size of the VMFS datastore to 16 TB. The FlashArray connection is discovered in the default connection.
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ $fa = New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $ds = get-datastore codytest0001
      PS C:\ $ds | Set-PfaVmfsCapacity -sizeInTB 16 -flasharray $fa
      Expands the size of the VMFS datastore to 16 TB.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


              if ($_.Type -ne 'VMFS')
                  throw "The entered datastore is not a VMFS datastore. It is type $($_.Type). Please only enter a VMFS datastore"
              else {


   if ($sizeInGB -ne 0) {
        $volSize = $sizeInGB * 1024 *1024 *1024   
    else {
        $volSize = $sizeInTB * 1024 *1024 *1024 * 1024
    if ($null -eq $flasharray)
        $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop
        $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
    $pureVol = $datastore | get-pfaVolfromVMFS -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop
    if ($volSize -le $pureVol.size)
        throw "The new size cannot be smaller than the existing size. VMFS volumes cannot be shrunk."
    Resize-PfaVolume -Array $fa -VolumeName $pureVol.name -NewSize $volSize -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
    $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa
    foreach ($dsHost in $datastore.ExtensionData.Host.Key)
      #had to change this as get-vmhost -datastore spits out a deprecation error.
      get-vmhost -id "HostSystem-$($dsHost.value)" | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba -RescanVmfs -ErrorAction Stop  -WarningAction SilentlyContinue |Out-Null
    $esxiView = Get-View -Id ($Datastore.ExtensionData.Host |Select-Object -last 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Key)
    $datastoreSystem = Get-View -Id $esxiView.ConfigManager.DatastoreSystem
    $expandOptions = $datastoreSystem.QueryVmfsDatastoreExpandOptions($datastore.ExtensionData.MoRef)
    $expandedDS = $datastoreSystem.ExpandVmfsDatastore($datastore.ExtensionData.MoRef,$expandOptions[0].spec)
    $ds = get-datastore -Id $expandedDS
    return $ds 
function Get-PfaVmfsSnapshot {
      Retrieve all of the FlashArray snapshots of a given VMFS volume
      Takes in a datastore and the corresponding FlashArray and returns any available snapshots.
      FlashArray connection and a datastore
      Returns any snapshots.
      Version: 3.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 12/23/2019
      Purpose/Change: Updated for new connection mgmt
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $ds = get-datastore codytest0001
      PS C:\ $ds |Get-PfaVmfsSnapshot
      Returns all snapshots on the array for the VMFS. The FlashArray connection is discovered in the default connection.
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $ds = get-datastore codytest0001
      PS C:\ $ds |Get-PfaVmfsSnapshot
      Returns all snapshots on the array for the VMFS. The FlashArray connection is discovered in the default connection.
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ $fa = New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $ds = get-datastore codytest0001
      PS C:\ $ds |Get-PfaVmfsSnapshot -flasharray $fa
      Returns all snapshots on the array for the VMFS. The FlashArray connection is specified.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


              if ($_.Type -ne 'VMFS')
                  throw "The entered datastore is not a VMFS datastore. It is type $($_.Type). Please only enter a VMFS datastore"
              else {
    if ($null -eq $flasharray)
        $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop
        $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
    $pureVol = $datastore | get-pfaVolfromVMFS -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop
    $volSnapshots = Get-PfaVolumeSnapshots -Array $fa -VolumeName $pureVol.name 
    $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa
    return $volSnapshots
function New-PfaVmfsSnapshot {
      Creates a new FlashArray snapshot of a given VMFS volume
      Takes in a datastore and the corresponding FlashArray and creates a snapshot.
      FlashArray connection and a datastore
      Returns created snapshot.
      Version: 3.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 12/23/2019
      Purpose/Change: Added examples and parameter sets/validation.
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $ds = get-datastore codytest0001
      PS C:\ $ds |New-PfaVmfsSnapshot
      Create a snapshot of the VMFS volume with default snapshot name. The FlashArray connection is discovered in the default connection.
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $ds = get-datastore codytest0001
      PS C:\ $ds |New-PfaVmfsSnapshot -suffix codysnap1
      Create a snapshot of the VMFS volume with the specified snapshot name. The FlashArray connection is discovered in the default connection.
      PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential
      PS C:\ $fa = New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials $faCreds -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $ds = get-datastore codytest0001
      PS C:\ $ds |New-PfaVmfsSnapshot -suffix codysnap1 -flasharray $fa
      Create a snapshot of the VMFS volume with the specified snapshot name. The FlashArray connection is specified.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


              if ($_.Type -ne 'VMFS')
                  throw "The entered datastore is not a VMFS datastore. It is type $($_.Type). Please only enter a VMFS datastore"
              else {

              if (($_ -match "^[A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]$") -and ($_.length -lt 64))
              else {
                throw "Volume name must be between 1 and 63 characters (alphanumeric, _ and -) in length and begin and end with a letter or number. The name must include at least one letter, _, or -"

              if (($_ -match "^[A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]$") -and ($_.length -lt 64))
              else {
                throw "Volume name must be between 1 and 63 characters (alphanumeric, _ and -) in length and begin and end with a letter or number. The name must include at least one letter, _, or -"
      if ("" -ne $Snapname) 
          Write-Warning -Message "The snapName parameter is being deprecated--please use the suffix parameter instead."  
          $suffix = $SnapName        
      $newSnapshots = @()
        foreach ($ds in $datastore)
            if ($null -eq $flasharray)
                $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $ds -ErrorAction Stop
                $fa = get-pfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $ds -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
            $pureVol = $ds | get-pfaVolfromVMFS -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop
            $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa
            if ($suffix -ne "")
              $newSnapshots += New-PfaVolumeSnapshots -Array $fa -Sources $pureVol.name -Suffix $suffix
            else {
              $newSnapshots += New-PfaVolumeSnapshots -Array $fa -Sources $pureVol.name 
    End {
      return $newSnapshots

##Private functions
function checkDefaultFlashArray{
    if ($null -eq $Global:DefaultFlashArray)
        throw "You must pass in a FlashArray connection or create a default FlashArray connection with new-pfaconnection"
        return $Global:DefaultFlashArray
function getAllFlashArrays {
  if ($null -ne $Global:AllFlashArrays)
      return $Global:AllFlashArrays
      throw "Please either pass in one or more FlashArray connections or create connections via the new-pfaConnection cmdlet."
function New-PfaVmfsFromSnapshot {
    Mounts a copy of a VMFS datastore to a VMware cluster from a FlashArray snapshot.
    Takes in a snapshot name, the corresponding FlashArray, and a cluster. The VMFS copy will be resignatured and mounted.
    FlashArray connection, a snapshotName, and a cluster.
    Returns the new datastore.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 10/24/2018
    Purpose/Change: Updated for new connection mgmt
  This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
  scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
  this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
  use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
  will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



  $volumeName = $snapName.split(".")[0] + "-snap-" + (Get-Random -Minimum 1000 -Maximum 9999)
  $newVol =New-PfaVolume -Array $flasharray -Source $snapName -VolumeName $volumeName -ErrorAction Stop
  $hostGroup = $flasharray |get-pfaHostGroupfromVcCluster -cluster $cluster
  New-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $flasharray -VolumeName $newVol.name -HostGroupName $hostGroup.name |Out-Null
  $esxi = $cluster | Get-VMHost| where-object {($_.ConnectionState -eq 'Connected')} |Select-Object -last 1 
  $esxi | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba -RescanVMFS -ErrorAction stop |Out-Null
  $hostStorage = get-view -ID $esxi.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.StorageSystem
  $resigVolumes= $hostStorage.QueryUnresolvedVmfsVolume()
  $newNAA =  "naa.624a9370" + $newVol.serial.toLower()
  $deleteVol = $false
  foreach ($resigVolume in $resigVolumes)
      if ($deleteVol -eq $true)
      foreach ($resigExtent in $resigVolume.Extent)
          if ($resigExtent.Device.DiskName -eq $newNAA)
              if ($resigVolume.ResolveStatus.Resolvable -eq $false)
                  if ($resigVolume.ResolveStatus.MultipleCopies -eq $true)
                      write-host "The volume cannot be resignatured as more than one unresignatured copy is present. Deleting and ending." -BackgroundColor Red
                      write-host "The following volume(s) are presented and need to be removed/resignatured first:"
                      $resigVolume.Extent.Device.DiskName |where-object {$_ -ne $newNAA}
                  $deleteVol = $true
              else {
                  $volToResignature = $resigVolume
  if (($null -eq $volToResignature) -and ($deleteVol -eq $false))
      write-host "No unresolved volume found on the created volume. Deleting and ending." -BackgroundColor Red
      $deleteVol = $true
  if ($deleteVol -eq $true)
      Remove-PfaHostGroupVolumeConnection -Array $flasharray -VolumeName $newVol.name -HostGroupName $hostGroup.name |Out-Null
      Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $flasharray -Name $newVol.name |Out-Null
      Remove-PfaVolumeOrSnapshot -Array $flasharray -Name $newVol.name -Eradicate |Out-Null
      return $null
  $esxcli=get-esxcli -VMHost $esxi -v2 -ErrorAction stop
  $resigOp = $esxcli.storage.vmfs.snapshot.resignature.createargs()
  $resigOp.volumelabel = $volToResignature.VmfsLabel  
  $esxcli.storage.vmfs.snapshot.resignature.invoke($resigOp) |out-null
  Start-sleep -s 5
  $esxi |  Get-VMHostStorage -RescanVMFS -ErrorAction stop |Out-Null
  $datastores = $esxi| Get-Datastore -ErrorAction stop 
  foreach ($ds in $datastores)
      $naa = $ds.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Extent.DiskName
      if ($naa -eq $newNAA)
          $resigds = $ds | Set-Datastore -Name $newVol.name -ErrorAction stop
          return $resigds
New-Alias -Name get-faVolfromVMFS -Value Get-PfaVMFSVol
New-Alias -Name new-faVolVmfs -Value New-PfaVmfs
New-Alias -Name add-faVolVmfsToCluster -Value Add-PfaVmfsToCluster
New-Alias -Name set-faVolVmfsCapacity -Value Set-PfaVmfsCapacity
New-Alias -Name get-faVolVmfsSnapshots -Value get-pfaVolVmfsSnapshot
New-Alias -Name new-faVolVmfsSnapshot -Value new-pfaVolVmfsSnapshot
New-Alias -Name new-faVolVmfsFromSnapshot -Value New-PfaVmfs
New-Alias -Name get-pfaVolfromVMFS -Value Get-PfaVMFSVol 
New-Alias -Name new-pfaVolVmfs -Value New-PfaVmfs
New-Alias -Name add-pfaVolVmfsToCluster -Value Add-PfaVmfsToCluster
New-Alias -Name set-pfaVolVmfsCapacity -Value Set-PfaVmfsCapacity
New-Alias -Name get-pfaVolVmfsSnapshot -Value Get-PfaVmfsSnapshot
New-Alias -Name New-PfaVolVmfsSnapshot -Value New-PfaVmfsSnapshot
New-Alias -Name New-PfaVolVmfsFromSnapshot -Value New-PfaVmfs